Chile's extensive network of national parks. At 35,259 square kilometers (13,614 square miles), it's larger than the state of Maryland. (You could even throw in Delaware and still have room to spare.) Within its borders are soaring peaks—the tallest, reaching an altitude of 3,607 meters (11,834 feet), is the Lautaro volcano. At sea level, numerous fjords stretch deep into the park. The park also includes much of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, and glaciers here come right down to the water's edge.

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Bernardo O 'Higgins是其中最大的智利美国庞大的国家公园网络。它有35259平方公里(13614平方英里),比马里兰州还大。(你甚至可以加上特拉华州,仍然有多余的空间。)在它的边界是高耸的山峰,最高的是海拔3607米(11834英尺)的劳塔罗火山。在海平面上,无数的峡湾一直延伸到公园深处。该公园还包括南巴塔哥尼亚冰原的大部分地区,这里的冰川一直延伸到水边。
