Singapore and other Asian countries. Ya Kun’s signature dish is its kaya toast, which consists of kaya (a coconut-based jam) spread on a thin slice of toast and served with soft-boiled eggs and freshly brewed coffee (the beans are wok-fried in butter and sugar, strained through cloth, and served with some condensed milk). If coffee isn’t your cup of tea (sorry, couldn’t resist), Ya Kun also serves teh tarik, a Malaysian sweetened-tea-and-milk beverage popular among locals."> 评论亚坤卡亚吐司|新加坡,新加坡- AFAR - 188app官网下载

Ya Kun Kaya吐司


对于想要品尝正宗新加坡早餐的吃货来说,雅坤的体验是必须的。Ya Kun Kaya Toast最初是新加坡商业区的一家不起眼的咖啡店,但后来发展成了café连锁店,在新加坡拥有数量惊人的门店新加坡和其他亚洲国家。雅坤的招牌菜是它卡亚吐司,由kaya(一种椰子果酱)涂在薄薄的吐司片上,配上半熟鸡蛋和现煮咖啡(豆子用黄油和糖炒锅,用布过滤,再配上一些炼乳)。如果咖啡不是你的菜(抱歉,忍不住),雅坤也有拉茶这是一种深受当地人欢迎的马来西亚甜茶加牛奶饮料。
