Willow City Loop

Texas cyclists will often claim that this is their favorite bike ride in Texas. It’s a classic 55 mile ride aimed to please and aimed to make you work. There are some seriously steep grades, great descents and endless rolling hills. Pack those cycling jersey pockets with loads of extra calories and an extra water bottle. Since the cycling season here tends to be before and after the wildflower season (due to insane vehicular and motorcycle traffic that leads to complete stand stills on the route), this means that the only two public restaurants (both are bars) are usually not open during those shoulder seasons. If you don’t have an extra bottle with you on your ride, you can be suffering by the end and in need of hydration. Start in Fredericksburg’s Marketplatz in the middle of town and head north on Crabapple Rd to avoid trucks and heavier traffic to head out of town. Keep an eye on road surface today, the roads are bumpy, have cracks, low water crossings and many a cattle guard. The climbing starts immediately on Crabapple and then when you turn right on Eckert Rd. You’ll then continue north and turn left on TX 16 briefly, before you head to the magic and turn right on the Willow City Loop. This is glorious riding through this stretch and you’re rewarded for the effort. The final big climb is the Willow City Ledge. Finish the loop heading south on RR 1323 back into town. Go celebrate with some serious German fare and a possible cold one! Rest those weary legs.

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Be Wowed By The Willow City Bicycle Loop

Texas cyclists will often claim that this is their favorite bike ride in Texas. It’s a classic 55 mile ride aimed to please and aimed to make you work. There are some seriously steep grades, great descents and endless rolling hills. Pack those cycling jersey pockets with loads of extra calories and an extra water bottle. Since the cycling season here tends to be before and after the wildflower season (due to insane vehicular and motorcycle traffic that leads to complete stand stills on the route), this means that the only two public restaurants (both are bars) are usually not open during those shoulder seasons. If you don’t have an extra bottle with you on your ride, you can be suffering by the end and in need of hydration. Start in Fredericksburg’s Marketplatz in the middle of town and head north on Crabapple Rd to avoid trucks and heavier traffic to head out of town. Keep an eye on road surface today, the roads are bumpy, have cracks, low water crossings and many a cattle guard. The climbing starts immediately on Crabapple and then when you turn right on Eckert Rd. You’ll then continue north and turn left on TX 16 briefly, before you head to the magic and turn right on the Willow City Loop. This is glorious riding through this stretch and you’re rewarded for the effort. The final big climb is the Willow City Ledge. Finish the loop heading south on RR 1323 back into town. Go celebrate with some serious German fare and a possible cold one! Rest those weary legs.

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