Ura Kidane Mehret


塔纳湖是埃塞俄比亚最大的湖。它是蓝色尼罗河的源头,也是几个岛屿修道院和修道院的所在地。在修道院中,Ura Kidhane Mihret被认为是最美丽的。像大多数游客一样,我们从附近的巴尔达尔镇租船到达。乘车大约需要一个小时,上岸后步行大约10分钟即可到达修道院。警告:从码头到修道院的整条路都是卖纪念品的小贩。我没有去购物,而是选择了享受在森林里散步的乐趣,并试图观察在树枝间跳跃的猴子,但无济于事。Ura Kidane Mehret坐落在一片林地的中心,周围环绕着一片咖啡树森林。这座教堂可以追溯到16世纪,是埃塞俄比亚典型的教堂,Ura Kidane Mehret外观呈圆形。在里面,真正的小教堂是六面的,所有六面的墙壁上都画着美丽的壁画,描绘了圣经传说中的各种场景和埃塞俄比亚东正教的历史。 There’s a certain whimsy to the style of religious paintings in Ethiopia that gives them an almost child like charm. I smile just looking at them. There’s not much to see in the monastery – you’ll be in and out in less than a half hour. Although it seems like a lot of travel time and effort spent for a very short visit, it is worth it.



塔纳湖是埃塞俄比亚最大的湖。它是蓝色尼罗河的源头,也是几个岛屿修道院和修道院的所在地。在修道院中,Ura Kidhane Mihret被认为是最美丽的。像大多数游客一样,我们从附近的巴尔达尔镇租船到达。乘车大约需要一个小时,上岸后步行大约10分钟即可到达修道院。警告:从码头到修道院的整条路都是卖纪念品的小贩。我没有去购物,而是选择了享受在森林里散步的乐趣,并试图观察在树枝间跳跃的猴子,但无济于事。Ura Kidane Mehret坐落在一片林地的中心,周围环绕着一片咖啡树森林。这座教堂可以追溯到16世纪,是埃塞俄比亚典型的教堂,Ura Kidane Mehret外观呈圆形。在里面,真正的小教堂是六面的,所有六面的墙壁上都画着美丽的壁画,描绘了圣经传说中的各种场景和埃塞俄比亚东正教的历史。 There’s a certain whimsy to the style of religious paintings in Ethiopia that gives them an almost child like charm. I smile just looking at them. There’s not much to see in the monastery – you’ll be in and out in less than a half hour. Although it seems like a lot of travel time and effort spent for a very short visit, it is worth it.
