

地下宫殿是我参观过的最奇怪的地方之一。我们沿着大雁塔围墙的西侧漫步时,偶然发现了它。尽管不知道那是什么,我们还是买了票进去了。第一部分是一条很长的走廊,走廊两边的玻璃下面挂着古老的中国画。我们走到一个岔路口,向右拐,沿着石墙和旧地毯的令人毛骨悚然的隧道前进。走廊上陈列着玄奘的遗物,玄奘是七世纪周游世界的佛教僧人。所有东西都用中文标注,包括木乃伊的照片。周围只有几个人,这在中国是一种很奇怪的感觉。隧道的尽头是一座神殿。我们原路返回,走另一条隧道。 First, there were funhouse mirrors. This tunnel was even weirder and creepier than the others, because every 50 meters or so there was a little alcove. One alcove had an erotic exhibition that you had to pay to enter; we didn’t go in. Another was dark, with mirrors. I got scared and my friend and I started screaming, and then the two other female tourists down here started screaming. What can I say? A dark tunnel with mirrors deep underground is really scary! Another alcove had what looked like a tombstone exhibition. There was a sign that said we were 1,370 meters below ground. I loved this, whatever it was. Definitely a must-visit.



地下宫殿是我参观过的最奇怪的地方之一。我们沿着大雁塔围墙的西侧漫步时,偶然发现了它。尽管不知道那是什么,我们还是买了票进去了。第一部分是一条很长的走廊,走廊两边的玻璃下面挂着古老的中国画。我们走到一个岔路口,向右拐,沿着石墙和旧地毯的令人毛骨悚然的隧道前进。走廊上陈列着玄奘的遗物,玄奘是七世纪周游世界的佛教僧人。所有东西都用中文标注,包括木乃伊的照片。周围只有几个人,这在中国是一种很奇怪的感觉。隧道的尽头是一座神殿。我们原路返回,走另一条隧道。 First, there were funhouse mirrors. This tunnel was even weirder and creepier than the others, because every 50 meters or so there was a little alcove. One alcove had an erotic exhibition that you had to pay to enter; we didn’t go in. Another was dark, with mirrors. I got scared and my friend and I started screaming, and then the two other female tourists down here started screaming. What can I say? A dark tunnel with mirrors deep underground is really scary! Another alcove had what looked like a tombstone exhibition. There was a sign that said we were 1,370 meters below ground. I loved this, whatever it was. Definitely a must-visit.

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