

多年来,海边雅芳(Avon-by-the-Sea)一直在海洋大道(Ocean Ave)和伍德兰大道(Woodland avenue)木板路上的老亭子里举办夏季活动。每周四晚上,年轻人都喜欢跳舞,玩得很开心。今年,一位新的DJ——Erich The DJ Guy——用他的Limbo, Electric Cha Cha, The Chicken Dance等混合音乐给孩子们带来了快乐。在整个过程中,他一直在向临时帐篷吹泡泡(旧亭子被桑迪破坏了;旁边的亭子餐厅刚刚重新开业)。孩子们就是喜欢那些泡泡!埃里希对年轻人很有一套,似乎真的很喜欢和他们互动。在唱歌和跳舞的过程中,埃里希用气球制作玩具、帽子和剑,这取得了很大的成功。在我看来,有比赛正在进行,看谁能收集到最多的气球??????埃里希的演出将持续到7月和8月。最后一支舞是8月21日。 (Thursday nights from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm -unless there is rain ). Little kiddies dress up and attend but I also see 10 and 12 year olds going to “keep an eye” on bro or sis - especially with the Limbo and Electric Cha Cha! When the dance is over, it’s time for ice cream at the restaurant’s walk-up window. There is also a Beach Boutique with beach wear, beach towels, Avon t’s and sweatshirts, jewelry, beach pails, and the like. Check it out. The Thursday Dances are a bit of old fashioned Summertime fun at the Shore. Info: www.erichthedjguy.com



多年来,海边雅芳(Avon-by-the-Sea)一直在海洋大道(Ocean Ave)和伍德兰大道(Woodland avenue)木板路上的老亭子里举办夏季活动。每周四晚上,年轻人都喜欢跳舞,玩得很开心。今年,一位新的DJ——Erich The DJ Guy——用他的Limbo, Electric Cha Cha, The Chicken Dance等混合音乐给孩子们带来了快乐。在整个过程中,他一直在向临时帐篷吹泡泡(旧亭子被桑迪破坏了;旁边的亭子餐厅刚刚重新开业)。孩子们就是喜欢那些泡泡!埃里希对年轻人很有一套,似乎真的很喜欢和他们互动。在唱歌和跳舞的过程中,埃里希用气球制作玩具、帽子和剑,这取得了很大的成功。在我看来,有比赛正在进行,看谁能收集到最多的气球??????埃里希的演出将持续到7月和8月。最后一支舞是8月21日。 (Thursday nights from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm -unless there is rain ). Little kiddies dress up and attend but I also see 10 and 12 year olds going to “keep an eye” on bro or sis - especially with the Limbo and Electric Cha Cha! When the dance is over, it’s time for ice cream at the restaurant’s walk-up window. There is also a Beach Boutique with beach wear, beach towels, Avon t’s and sweatshirts, jewelry, beach pails, and the like. Check it out. The Thursday Dances are a bit of old fashioned Summertime fun at the Shore. Info: www.erichthedjguy.com
