Mexico to hang his own culinary shingle. The lessons he absorbed during his training have been put to good use, earning him the #27 spot on Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants list. The menu at Sud 777 is divided into sections such as "River and Sea," "Heaven and Earth," and "Mexican Coasts." The domestically sourced ingredients reflect the clean, fresh flavors of Mexican produce and seafood. Look, too, for a restaurant inside the restaurant: kokeshi is a Japanese-inspired spot with an extensive sushi menu and plenty of sake. "> 南美777综述|墨西哥城,墨西哥- AFAR - 188app官网下载

Sud 777

Blvrd de la Luz 777, Jardines del Pedregal, 01900 Ciudad de m xico, CDMX, Mexico

厨师埃德加Nuñez曾在一些世界顶级餐厅演出,包括诺玛和现已关闭的el Bulli,然后返回墨西哥挂起他自己的烹饪板。他在培训期间吸取的经验教训得到了很好的利用,在拉丁美洲50家最佳餐厅名单中排名第27位。Sud 777餐厅的菜单分为“河流与海洋”、“天地”和“墨西哥海岸”等部分。国内采购的食材反映了墨西哥农产品和海鲜的干净,新鲜的味道。再看看餐厅里的餐厅:kokeshi是一家日式餐厅,有丰富的寿司菜单和大量的清酒。
