

当你听到“亚利桑那州南部的夏天”这句话时,你自然会想到炎热和阳光。大多数人不会想到沙漠城市图森的农贸市场上成堆的新鲜农产品。但季风的到来恰逢大自然提供丰富的食物,即使在沙漠里也是如此。附近的圣克鲁斯山谷实际上是北美最古老的连续耕作地区之一,其农业可以追溯到4000年前!祖传的豆子、南瓜、辣椒和西红柿仍然在种植。威尔科克斯附近的高海拔地区以果园和一些葡萄园而闻名。豆科豆粉可以制成饼干和玉米饼。仙人球可以做成果酱和冷冻食品。所有这些都可以在图森周围的各种农贸市场上买到。最大的一次是周日上午在圣菲利普广场(St. Philip’s Plaza)的新殖民主义庭院举行。 And, if you’re curious, you’ll get language and cooking lessons, too. On a recent Sunday morning, my wife and I asked what some curious looking greens were. The answer? Purslane, or “verdolagas” in Spanish. They grow like weeds once the monsoon rains begin, and they contain more omega-3 fatty acids (think fish oil) than any other leafy plant. In a salad, or sautéed or stewed, they’re great. Who knew? Farmers’ markets are always a great place to get a vibe for a city—a cross section of people and produce. And, even in the desert, it is possible to shop and eat local.



当你听到“亚利桑那州南部的夏天”这句话时,你自然会想到炎热和阳光。大多数人不会想到沙漠城市图森的农贸市场上成堆的新鲜农产品。但季风的到来恰逢大自然提供丰富的食物,即使在沙漠里也是如此。附近的圣克鲁斯山谷实际上是北美最古老的连续耕作地区之一,其农业可以追溯到4000年前!祖传的豆子、南瓜、辣椒和西红柿仍然在种植。威尔科克斯附近的高海拔地区以果园和一些葡萄园而闻名。豆科豆粉可以制成饼干和玉米饼。仙人球可以做成果酱和冷冻食品。所有这些都可以在图森周围的各种农贸市场上买到。最大的一次是周日上午在圣菲利普广场(St. Philip’s Plaza)的新殖民主义庭院举行。 And, if you’re curious, you’ll get language and cooking lessons, too. On a recent Sunday morning, my wife and I asked what some curious looking greens were. The answer? Purslane, or “verdolagas” in Spanish. They grow like weeds once the monsoon rains begin, and they contain more omega-3 fatty acids (think fish oil) than any other leafy plant. In a salad, or sautéed or stewed, they’re great. Who knew? Farmers’ markets are always a great place to get a vibe for a city—a cross section of people and produce. And, even in the desert, it is possible to shop and eat local.
