Amsterdam, where you'll probably pay for your own meal even on a romantic date. But Seasons restaurant gives new meaning to "going Dutch" with a two-for-one Early Bird Special. Set on a pretty side-street off the Herengracht, the cozy bistro is in the heart of the canal belt, near Amsterdam's Jordaan. The menu features international cuisine, with fare like Indian Chicken Tikka Masala, Asian-inspired Miso Salmon, rack of lamb with mint pesto sauce, and an “inside-out” Beef Wellington. Even Holland is represented in the culinary tour, with a thick pea soup starter. The “buy one get one free” special is offered Monday–Thursday, 5–6pm and Friday–Sunday, 4–6pm. In addition to lowering your bill, it ensures you'll be visiting when the restaurant is at its romantic best, before the dinner crowd arrives en masse around 8pm. Reservations are required for the Early Bird Special. Reserve online and arrive 15 minutes early to take advantage of it. "> 回顾季节餐厅BV |阿姆斯特丹,荷兰-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载

很少有东西是免费的阿姆斯特丹在美国,即使是浪漫的约会,你也可能自己买单。但是四季餐厅给“aa制”赋予了新的含义,推出了买一送一的早鸟特惠。这家舒适的小酒馆坐落在Herengracht附近一条美丽的小街上,位于运河带的中心,靠近阿姆斯特丹的Jordaan。菜单上的特色是国际美食,有印度咖喱鸡、亚洲味噌三文鱼、薄荷香蒜酱羊排和“里里外外”的惠灵顿牛肉。就连荷兰也出现在美食之旅中,有一道浓豌豆汤开胃菜。“买一送一”特惠时间为周一至周四下午5 - 6点,周五至周日下午4 - 6点。除了能降低你的账单,它还能确保你在餐厅最浪漫的时候去,也就是晚上8点左右,晚餐人群还没有成群结队地到来之前。早鸟特惠需要预订。在网上预约,提前15分钟到达,就能享受这一优惠。



很少有东西是免费的阿姆斯特丹在美国,即使是浪漫的约会,你也可能自己买单。但是四季餐厅给“aa制”赋予了新的含义,推出了买一送一的早鸟特惠。这家舒适的小酒馆坐落在Herengracht附近一条美丽的小街上,位于运河带的中心,靠近阿姆斯特丹的Jordaan。菜单上的特色是国际美食,有印度咖喱鸡、亚洲味噌三文鱼、薄荷香蒜酱羊排和“里里外外”的惠灵顿牛肉。就连荷兰也出现在美食之旅中,有一道浓豌豆汤开胃菜。“买一送一”特惠时间为周一至周四下午5 - 6点,周五至周日下午4 - 6点。除了能降低你的账单,它还能确保你在餐厅最浪漫的时候去,也就是晚上8点左右,晚餐人群还没有成群结队地到来之前。早鸟特惠需要预订。在网上预约,提前15分钟到达,就能享受这一优惠。
