Mexico City, from restaurants and bars to design boutiques. Roma Quince falls into the latter category; this "concept store" has an abundance of home goods and clothing, all made in Mexico. There are enough items to decorate your entire home, though your suitcase might not be large enough to accommodate the spoils of such a shopping spree. If it all becomes a bit much, head to Carlota & Emilia, located in the same house, for brunch or a pick-me-up. "> 罗马木瓜|墨西哥城,墨西哥-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载

波菲里亚时代的豪宅是许多热点地区的背景墨西哥城从餐厅、酒吧到设计精品店。罗马榅桲就属于后者;这家“概念店”有大量的家居用品和服装,都是墨西哥制造的。这些物品足够装饰你的整个家,尽管你的行李箱可能不够大,装不下这样一场购物狂欢的战利品。如果这一切变得有点过分,可以去同一栋房子里的Carlota & Emilia吃早午餐或提神。
