

当我问朋友和当地人他们最喜欢的尼亚加拉湖上酒庄(NOTL)时,Ravine得到了一致的回答。这里的一切都恰到好处:好酒(我真后悔没有买),美味的食物,有趣的节目。虽然大多数酒庄在9点或10点左右就关门了,但Ravine的营业时间稍晚,而且口味随意,所以你永远不会觉得做作。食物是精致的,但气氛不是。他们院子里的柴火烤箱能烤出18美元的烤披萨(在这里,大多数饭菜都很贵的情况下,这个价格很划算)。你可以在葡萄园前打乒乓球,在露台的另一边和你的团队一起放松,听现场音乐(Tragically Hip乐队的“Bobcaygeon”的原声版本加分),或者在里面吃饭。他们在农场附近也有一家杂货店。别忘了去现场看看猪!食物方面,菜单会随季节变化。朋友们极力推荐这里的特色餐厅。 We were fans of the House Pickled Candy Cane Beet Salad (feta, a sweet salmon and marinated quail’s egg); and the flaky pan seared white fish. Served with a mushroom and goat cheese canneloni, this was a nice punch to the lightness of the fish. We were thoroughly impressed. Throughout the summer, there are fantastic events including oyster nights and even geotracking! This was one of my top three wineries in the area and I need to remind myself to buy some of their wine online. It’s that good.



当我问朋友和当地人他们最喜欢的尼亚加拉湖上酒庄(NOTL)时,Ravine得到了一致的回答。这里的一切都恰到好处:好酒(我真后悔没有买),美味的食物,有趣的节目。虽然大多数酒庄在9点或10点左右就关门了,但Ravine的营业时间稍晚,而且口味随意,所以你永远不会觉得做作。食物是精致的,但气氛不是。他们院子里的柴火烤箱能烤出18美元的烤披萨(在这里,大多数饭菜都很贵的情况下,这个价格很划算)。你可以在葡萄园前打乒乓球,在露台的另一边和你的团队一起放松,听现场音乐(Tragically Hip乐队的“Bobcaygeon”的原声版本加分),或者在里面吃饭。他们在农场附近也有一家杂货店。别忘了去现场看看猪!食物方面,菜单会随季节变化。朋友们极力推荐这里的特色餐厅。 We were fans of the House Pickled Candy Cane Beet Salad (feta, a sweet salmon and marinated quail’s egg); and the flaky pan seared white fish. Served with a mushroom and goat cheese canneloni, this was a nice punch to the lightness of the fish. We were thoroughly impressed. Throughout the summer, there are fantastic events including oyster nights and even geotracking! This was one of my top three wineries in the area and I need to remind myself to buy some of their wine online. It’s that good.
