

这座新文艺复兴时期的宫殿建于1857年,当时是俄罗斯帝国最豪华的酒店之一。这座宫殿经历了很多战争,包括在第二次世界大战中几乎完全被毁。经过长时间的翻新和修复,密切关注建筑的遗产,2018年,Europejski酒店以五星级莱佛士酒店的身份重新开业,成为该品牌在欧洲的第三家酒店。106间客房和套房感觉像别致的住宅,复古的设计,引人注目的现代波兰艺术品,毛绒纺织品,和定制产品从法国调香师Blaise Mautin。所有的房间也有一个图书馆与策展的书籍选择,并从著名的莱佛士管家服务。

在戏剧性的大堂酒廊或俱乐部的雪茄吧吸收更多的酒店的历史,沉浸在签名糖果在Lourse Warszawa糕点,并品尝现代波兰和国际美食在Europejski烧烤,俯瞰pizysudski广场和无名战士墓的永恒火焰。(酒店还拥有新加坡莱佛士酒店(Raffles Singapore)的招牌酒吧Long Bar。)由艺术家Krystyna kozowska创作的一幅20世纪60年代的墙壁大小的马赛克,为拥有六个房间的复杂水疗中心提供了引人注目的背景,在这里,治疗使用了Sisley和Aromatherapy Associates的产品。



移居英国留学无疑是我做过的最好的事情。一次改变人生的经历,信念的飞跃是一个我永远不会后悔的机会。从新的文化,到新的人群和新的食物,这种截然不同的生活方式开阔了我的视野,让我有了从未想过的经历。虽然我非常推荐这一点(从教育和惊人的经历来看),除了所有的兴奋之外,在出国留学之前,你还需要考虑一些严肃的事情,以确保你不会面临任何问题,可以充分享受你的时间。这些事情大多看起来微不足道,但很多人都没有想到它们,所以把你的地图放在一边,阅读这些建议,让你在国外的时光尽可能轻松愉快。这些都是我希望我能知道的事情,所以这是一种帮助你在你的道路上做得比我更好的重点!在你去那里旅行之前,研究一下这个地区,计算出每周的平均支出。创建一个电子表格,把你的花费分成食物、旅行、学习、外出和意外费用等类别,并为自己创建一个每周预算。这样,你可以看到你需要多少钱,这将帮助你控制你的支出。在最初的几周很容易冲昏头脑,牺牲你剩下的时间,所以早点开始,你会惊讶地发现小预算能走多远。 Transport Depending on the location of your studies, looking into a monthly bus pass or train pass could be very beneficial. The odd pound here and there won’t seem like much, but if you add it up over time you’ll realise how much you can save if you do splash out and spend a bit more initially. When travelling around, try to leave your important travel documents at home. Passports and other important documents should stay hidden away, as you will have some serious issues trying to get them back when abroad. The last thing you want when travelling is to be on the phone to immigration solicitors when you should be taking in the sights – something I unfortunately had to do! Invest In A Guidebook I understand this may seem old fashioned, but you really can’t underestimate the power of a good hand book. Available online, one of these will provide you with a variety of little tips that you never would have known; the best restaurants, the cheapest shops, the nicest tourist spots and the best walks. As you’re going highlight the different places you’ve visited and you can keep this as a memory forever. Prepare Being prepared before you go will help you settle into your new environment so much better. Buy enough mini toiletries to last you a few days and you will save lots of space and weight in your suitcase. Make sure to research average weather patterns to be ready for any eventuality. If you think it’s going to be difficult to purchase everything you need in your own country, make a list so you’re completely ready to get everything you need when you arrive. Embrace The Unknown Although it may be tempting to research your new home in detail before you go, try to hold back and just explore it all when you get there. Put a couple of days aside to look around, use your guidebook, find out about surrounding areas and just immerse yourself in the new culture you’re now apart of. Maybe learn a word or two in their language before you head off, but leave yourself to learn as you go; don’t be afraid to make mistakes just learn from them! Moving to a completely new place to learn is scary, but it will be an experience you will never forget. Be confident, use your common sense and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. For me, I went, got my education and in that very immigration company I sought help from, my degree has now led me to a position providing help to those who want to follow in my footsteps so I can’t recommend it highly enough… so… what are you waiting for!


