, Nhon

越南平定省的Qui nhnoun

位于岘港和芽庄之间的归仁,是一个安静的沿海城镇,拥有弯曲的海滩,令人耳目一新。这里没有去南部芽庄的成群结队的游客(这里的沙滩不那么诱人),当然也缺乏岘港海滩的特色——发展,导致这座城市明显不受不可阻挡的旅游业影响——注意这里水面上仍然点缀着渔船的数量。附近有一些精美的占族遗址,包括塔塔(Thap Doi,意为双塔)和Banh It塔,以及18世纪由中国商人建造的龙庆塔(Long Khanh Pagoda)。



越南的海滨城市归仁。在我的脑海中,每一次旅行都有一个时刻,你和你的旅行伙伴在旅途中有一段时间,这就是“摩擦”。摩擦可以是任何事情,从徒步旅行方式上的轻微分歧,或者在我的情况下,一场激烈的皇家争吵。它后来被称为“崩溃”。我哥哥和我在三天内走了三分之二的路程。在这三天里,我们度过了;不停地下雨,差点被疯狂路过的旅游车撞死,我们所有的手电筒和工具都被偷了,被骗进了一顿50万越南盾的午餐。我们浑身湿透,饥肠辘辘,疲惫不堪。我们俩都爆炸只是时间问题。这个神奇的时刻发生在沿海城市归仁(Qui Nhon)外的一个河粉摊上。 During that third day the second GN125 or the Black Magic, broke down hard. In not so many technical terms it slowly lost power to the point that the fastest it would go was about the speed of my Uncle’s Hover Around. We stopped at this Pho stand at 9:00 at night to discuss what we should do next. Sleeping on the ground wasn’t out the question at this point. The feeling I had was what I can only imagine the Astronauts had while on the Moon. You two are all you have, you’ve got to figure it out because nobody else is here to help. All it took was one “I don’t know man”, and it was on! We shouted at each other for what seemed like days.
