
Praça do Comércio, 1100-148葡萄牙里斯本




和罗西奥广场一样,商业广场是里斯本最受欢迎的广场之一。实际上我认为它是里斯本的心脏。广场面向塔古斯河,你可以看到渡船从里斯本往返于卡西拉斯。在你的右边,你可以看到4月25日桥和基督雕像。这个广场最近刚刚装修过。巨大的停车场不见了。在北端靠近大拱门的地方,除了有轨电车和出租车站外,没有交通。翻修工程包括许多在人行道上撑伞的优雅小餐馆。坐在户外的一家餐馆里,看着河边的活动,微风使我感到凉爽,这是非常有趣的。这里还有一个啤酒博物馆。来看看葡萄牙啤酒的历史吧。 Lunch is offered. The museum I thought was top rate was the Lisboa Centre. I visited the first day it was open to the public in September. This is an interactive museum. It tells the story of Lisbon. It is very well done. The film room showing the 1755 earthquake almost convinces you it’s happening and you are there in the middle of the disaster. I recommend this attraction. Across from the beer museum is the TI (Tourist Information). Stop here for your Lisboa Card which gets you free rides on the Metro, trolleys, and buses. Some museums are free, some are discounted. A very good deal. I always go to this square several times on my trips in Lisbon. I really enjoy it. Don’t miss it!


在海滨的商业广场里斯本你会找到有两根柱子的码头。去葡萄牙旅行时,不要错过码头。涨潮时,你只能看到大约6英寸的柱子。但在退潮时,你可以看到骄傲地矗立在里斯本市中心门口的台阶和高大的柱子。当你坐在水泥长椅上时,你会想起柱子和码头的历史。商业广场在1755年里斯本大地震之前一直是皇宫广场(Terreiro Do Paco)。在地震、海啸和三天的大火之后,整个广场和城市都变成了废墟。广场被重建了,但宫殿没有。广场变成了商业广场。当整个广场都是宫殿的时候,来自欧洲各地的国王和贵族会乘船参观,在海滨上岸,登上楼梯,被护送到宫殿和国王那里。想象一下那些皇家场合的盛况和激动是很有趣的。 I usually sit at the quay under the bright blue sky as the sun warms me and sigh because I’m very content. I breathe in the salty air and relax. I look across the Tagus River at Cacilhas. I watch the ferries ply back and forth on the river. I check out the Cristo Rei statue which guards the April 25th Bridge spanning the river. Each time that I have been to Lisbon and the Pillars, the weather has been perfect. Lucky me!


里斯本海滨的商业广场(Praca do Comercio)最近进行了翻新。真是个惊喜。这里有一些餐馆,你可以坐在伞下,一边享受午餐,一边看着船只在塔古斯河上航行。你甚至可能会看到一艘游轮抵达里斯本。照片中的拱门位于广场的西翼。在这一边停留的一个地方是T.I.(旅游信息中心)。你可以拿起地图、小册子,从乐于助人的店员那里得到方向或信息。这是您购买葡京卡的地方。这张卡可以让你免费使用里斯本的公共交通系统-火车,电车,地铁,公共汽车。里斯本的许多博物馆和景点都是免费或打折的,请注意,周日许多景点的免费时间是凌晨2点。 Many are closed on Mondays so buy accordingly. Be sure to mention it if you are a senior citizen as most sites are free or half price for you. A companion guidebook comes with your card and lists the attractions, museums, tours and discounts for each. There are many facts and addresses and phone numbers listed.Discount tickets for several sites are in the book. When you get your card, sign it and keep it with you in a safe place. There are also shopping and restaurant cards available for Lisbon but they are too complicated. I always buy a Lisboa Card for two or three days depending on the length of my stay in Lisbon. I love hopping on a trolley or the Metro with my card.


在Praça do Comercio的尽头,在它与塔古斯河接壤的地方,你可以看到旧的发现卡拉维尔号和葡萄牙人从海上新发现的领土带回的货物登陆的地方。当葡萄牙帝国是一个线索,船只等待着卸载珍贵的黄金,白银,香料,丝绸,木材,可可,咖啡,茶,在这里,船只会把绳子系在那两只海鸥站着的同一根柱子上,里斯本的所有人都会聚集在一起,见证这次带回了什么异国风情。沿着这条路往前走,Baixa(市中心)的街道就以在那里交易的特定物品命名。


如果你想知道更多里斯本回忆,参观葡京故事中心。通过Marquês de Pombal了解地震后(1755年)时代和城市重建,他介绍了现代城市规划。这个解说中心带游客进行一场60分钟的时空之旅,配有语音导游,介绍历史事件和戏剧场景。它位于Terreiro do Paço。你可以乘公共汽车、有轨电车或地铁去那里,或者沿着奥古斯塔街径直走到河边。每天上午10点到晚上8点开放(最后一次参观是晚上7点)。成人门票价格为7欧元,但如果您持有葡京卡,您将享受门票价格的20%折扣。
