Quebec City was founded, in 1608, so it's a symbolic heart not just of the city but of the province. The church, which sits in the middle of the square, has been rebuilt several times over the past three centuries; its interior has been extensively restored in recent decades to bring it closer to its original French colonial character. On the north side of the square, the Musée de la Place-Royale covers the long history of the square and its inhabitants, beginning with Samuel de Champlain."> 回顾Place-Royale |加拿大魁北克市- AFAR - 188app官网下载


加拿大,QC, G1K, quacimbec, QC, G1K, QC, G1K, QC, G1K, quacimbec, Rue des, Pains, bsamnits
+ 1 418-643-2581

下城的皇家广场(Place Royale)是一个不起眼的鹅卵石广场,两旁是一些纪念品商店和餐馆,在经过修复的17世纪到19世纪的建筑里,还有1688年建成的胜利圣母院(Notre-Dame-des-Victoires)(这使它成为北美最古老的石头教堂)。虽然规模不大,但就其象征意义而言,它显得很重要:这就是魁北克市始建于1608年,因此它不仅是这座城市的中心,也是整个省的中心。这座教堂坐落在广场中央,在过去的三个世纪里被重建了几次;近几十年来,它的内部经过了广泛的修复,使其更接近其原始的法国殖民特征。在广场的北侧,muse de la Place-Royale展示了广场及其居民的悠久历史,从Samuel de Champlain开始。

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