Shanghai after stints in New York, London, and the Seychelles, and Pirata’s tapas menu reflects her globe-trotting spirit. The octopus salad with chickpeas and fennel appears on nearly every table in the restaurant, as does the platter of mini gyros, palm-size pitas stuffed with shredded steak, onions, and French fries. If you eat seafood, order the clams with Thai basil and the ventresca (tuna belly) paired with a slice of sweet piquillo pepper, drizzled with good olive oil, and served on a slice of baguette. For dessert, go straight for the praline ice cream crepes—squares of sweet and savory ice cream rolled in crushed peanuts, topped with coriander, and wrapped in (yes) a crepe."> Pirata - AFAR - 188app官网下载

台湾厨师兼老板黄凌(Ling Huang)登陆了上海在纽约工作了一段时间后伦敦皮拉塔的tapas菜单反映了她环球旅行的精神。鹰嘴豆和茴香章鱼沙拉几乎出现在餐厅的每一张桌子上,还有一盘迷你陀螺,手掌大小的皮塔饼,里面塞满了切碎的牛排、洋葱和薯条。如果你吃海鲜,点泰国罗勒蛤蜊和瓦特里斯克(金枪鱼肚)配上一片甜辣椒,淋上优质橄榄油,配上一片法棍面包。至于甜点,直接点果仁冰淇淋可丽饼——方形的甜可口的冰淇淋卷在碎花生里,上面撒上香菜,然后用可丽饼(是的)包着。
