New Mexico and raised in Virginia—was travelling in Georgia, following his passion for singing and recording polyphonic songs. But he ended up marrying a local musician. Soon after, he opened a boutique winery that now makes internationally acclaimed wines, followed by a wine bar and restaurant—all with Georgian partners. The restaurant is located in Sighnaghi, a beautiful, fortified hillside medieval town in the winemaking Eastern Georgian Kahketi region. Pheasant’s Tears is in the center of the historic (and now restored) part of Sighnaghi. The restaurant’s slightly rambling building contains Wurdeman’s artist studio, along with a carpet shop, antique-filled public spaces, a cobblestone courtyard, and an interesting wine cellar. The restaurant food is prepared by ebullient Chef Gia Rokashvili and is passionately authentic, but not parochial—reflecting Gia’s travels (he loves Indian food) and served tapas-style. Chalkboard daily specials might include just-caught mountain trout, rustic village pies with wild greens filling, seasonal vegetables in garlicky walnut sauce, smoky kebabs served with herbaceous condiments, or khashlama, a lamb stew in a slurry of sour plums simmered in tarragon, cilantro, and mint. All ingredients are organic—from foraged wild greens to mushrooms—and bread is made on the premises in tone, a clay tandoori-like oven. Stop in for a glass of qvevri-fermented natural wine at the restaurant’s wine bar, which acts like an informal travel agency and can arrange visits to local winemakers—one of whom may be sitting next to you at the bar. They can definitely set up a tour of Wurdemna’s Pheasant’s Tears winery. The restaurant’s entertainment is the resident Zedashe Ensemble, founded by Wurdeman’s wife, and Wurdeman often sings along."> 评论野鸡的眼泪餐厅| Sighnaghi,格鲁吉亚-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载



上世纪90年代,艺术家约翰·伍德曼出生在新墨西哥他在弗吉尼亚州长大,当时正在乔治亚州旅行,因为他热爱唱歌和录制复调歌曲。但他最终嫁给了当地的一位音乐家。不久之后,他开了一家精品酒庄,现在生产国际知名的葡萄酒,随后又开了一家酒吧和餐厅——都是与格鲁吉亚的合作伙伴一起开的。餐厅位于Sighnaghi,一个美丽的,坚固的山坡上的中世纪小镇,在酿酒的格鲁吉亚东部Kahketi地区。野鸡之泪位于Sighnaghi历史(现已修复)部分的中心。餐厅略微凌乱的建筑包含了Wurdeman的艺术家工作室,还有地毯店,充满古董的公共空间,鹅卵石庭院和一个有趣的酒窖。餐厅的食物是由热情的厨师Gia Rokashvili准备的,非常正宗,但并不狭隘——反映了Gia的旅行经历(他喜欢印度食物),并提供tapas风格的食物。黑板上的每日特色菜可能包括刚捕到的山鳟鱼、野菜馅的乡村馅饼、蒜味核桃酱拌时令蔬菜、烟熏烤肉串配草本调味品,或者khashlama,一种用龙蒿、香菜和薄荷炖酸梅的炖羊肉。所有的食材都是有机的,从野生蔬菜到蘑菇,面包都是在一个陶制的类似唐杜里的烤箱里制作的。在餐厅的葡萄酒酒吧里喝一杯qvevri发酵的天然葡萄酒,它就像一个非正式的旅行社,可以安排参观当地的酿酒师——其中一位可能就坐在你旁边。 They can definitely set up a tour of Wurdemna’s Pheasant’s Tears winery. The restaurant’s entertainment is the resident Zedashe Ensemble, founded by Wurdeman’s wife, and Wurdeman often sings along.



上世纪90年代,艺术家约翰·伍德曼出生在新墨西哥他在弗吉尼亚州长大,当时正在乔治亚州旅行,因为他热爱唱歌和录制复调歌曲。但他最终嫁给了当地的一位音乐家。不久之后,他开了一家精品酒庄,现在生产国际知名的葡萄酒,随后又开了一家酒吧和餐厅——都是与格鲁吉亚的合作伙伴一起开的。餐厅位于Sighnaghi,一个美丽的,坚固的山坡上的中世纪小镇,在酿酒的格鲁吉亚东部Kahketi地区。野鸡之泪位于Sighnaghi历史(现已修复)部分的中心。餐厅略微凌乱的建筑包含了Wurdeman的艺术家工作室,还有地毯店,充满古董的公共空间,鹅卵石庭院和一个有趣的酒窖。餐厅的食物是由热情的厨师Gia Rokashvili准备的,非常正宗,但并不狭隘——反映了Gia的旅行经历(他喜欢印度食物),并提供tapas风格的食物。黑板上的每日特色菜可能包括刚捕到的山鳟鱼、野菜馅的乡村馅饼、蒜味核桃酱拌时令蔬菜、烟熏烤肉串配草本调味品,或者khashlama,一种用龙蒿、香菜和薄荷炖酸梅的炖羊肉。所有的食材都是有机的,从野生蔬菜到蘑菇,面包都是在一个陶制的类似唐杜里的烤箱里制作的。在餐厅的葡萄酒酒吧里喝一杯qvevri发酵的天然葡萄酒,它就像一个非正式的旅行社,可以安排参观当地的酿酒师——其中一位可能就坐在你旁边。 They can definitely set up a tour of Wurdemna’s Pheasant’s Tears winery. The restaurant’s entertainment is the resident Zedashe Ensemble, founded by Wurdeman’s wife, and Wurdeman often sings along.
