
美国檀香山卡利亚路2169号邮编:HI 96815




想知道在威基基住哪里?如果你正在寻找亲切的传统夏威夷人的热情好客,你会在海滨的威基基海滩度假村找到它。是的,威基基还有其他几家Outrigger酒店,但对我来说,这家酒店真正捕捉到了威基基过去的感觉和风格。当你抵达威基基海滩度假村的Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort,在科克尔港(port cochere)下停靠时,你会感受到真正的“阿罗哈”(aloha)的热情问候。科克尔港的设计看起来像夏威夷的茅草建筑,里面悬挂着一只独木舟。从凯利家族拥有的一家小威基基酒店开始,Outrigger酒店和度假村品牌组合现已在夏威夷、关岛、毛里求斯、马尔代夫、斐济和泰国拥有物业。坦率地说,是什么让威基基海滩如此特别,它致力于为客人提供夏威夷文化、文物、夏威夷音乐、夏威夷艺术杰作和夏威夷工艺体验的直接联系。看看每周的客人活动日历,它提供了补充课程,甚至每周一和周四在海滩上的夏威夷誓言更新,你会发现一些有趣的尝试。学习制作花环,用尤克里里琴弹奏歌曲,制作夏威夷风格的贺卡,或者用夏威夷语或传统谚语做一个书签,你将在课堂上了解它的含义。Outriggers对夏威夷热情好客的承诺还不止于此。在您停留期间,您可能会遇到一位名叫Luana Mailtand的美丽女士,她是Outrigger Reef Waikiki海滩度假村的文化活动总监。 So important is the sharing of the Hawaiian culture at the hotel, that Luana now has a new venue in the hotel called Hale No’eau. When you sign up for the Hawaiian activities, you’ll be meeting here. Sharing Hawaiian music is important to Outrigger. One of the best places in Waikiki to hear Hawaiian artists is the Kani Ka Pila Grille. To me the true measure of a venue in Waikiki is if locals come to listen; and come here they do. You’ll be able to listen to many of Hawaii’s finest musicians right here at the hotel. The menu at Kani Ka Pila Grille has been refreshed so enjoy pupu (heavy appetizers), sip a beautifully-crafted tropical drink, watch hula dancers come up from the crowd to dance along with the dulcet tones of the singers and musicians, and your heart will be filled with aloha. If the musicians are playing in the unique tunings and pickings of Hawaiian Slack Key style, you are definitely in for a treat. Waikiki beachfront restaurants can be pricey. You are paying for the meal but also for the view on prime real estate. What’s great about the reasonable price for oceanfront dining at the Reef Bar & Market Grill is that you get the view, and you get to select your piece of steak, fish or fowl, sausage, chops, or vegetables. Choose from specialty rubs for your protein and then head to the huge open-flame grill and cook it to your liking. Grill-masters are there to assist you, so your grilling will be fun. Tip: While your food cooks, order your drink, and then head over the incredible salad bar, which is included with your meal. Here are a few other notes on this great hotel to share with you: -Outrigger believes in the Hawaiian concept of ohana or “family” which traditionally extends to the community, so they sponsor several events as part of that commitment: The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival, Slack Key Festival and Duke‘s OceanFest. -Stay in the Voyager 47 Club Lounge level ocean front and ocean view rooms and suites, and you can wander down to this private oceanfront club to enjoy fresh Kona coffee and an expanded continental breakfast, and then return at sunset for pupu and evening beverages. The Voyager 47 Club Lounge also has a concierge who can make suggestions for your day on Oahu, and they will kindly pack up a snack box to take with you on your adventure. -The pool area of Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort now has cabanas for rent, bottle service available, and updated food and beverage offerings. Catch the last of summer right now, or come in fall when Hawaii cools off from the summer heat. Come visit and create some lasting memories of real Hawaiian hospitality; your Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort experience is waiting to welcome you with aloha.
