
美国布朗克斯区南部大道2900号,NY 10458

拥有超过250英亩的土地,纽约植物园设法将许多不同的景观和体验融入到花园的墙壁中。花园建于1891年,灵感来自纳撒尼尔·布里顿勋爵和他的妻子伊丽莎白,他们从英国旅行回来,决定纽约应该有自己的花园伦敦英国皇家邱园。他们在纽约社会中找到了支持,并创建了全国领先的研究机构之一,这也恰好是一个与城市自然交流的理想场所。由Beatrix Farrand设计的玫瑰园是一个亮点,而大量的杜鹃花在5月达到顶峰。总共有大约20个不同的花园,包括一个专门种植本地植物的花园、一个岩石花园和一条湿地小径。该温室建于1902年,是全国最大的温室,包括11个不同的气候区。当最后一片秋叶从树上落下时,温室每年都会举办受欢迎的假日火车表演(从11月底到1月中旬)。





纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden)曾举办过一次展览,设计师们挑选了数万株兰花,将它们摆放在纽约各处百老汇舞台的复制品上。它们就像外面的樱花一样美丽而充满活力。这次旅行中最棒的部分是在咖啡馆里,我们遇到了一位可爱的90多岁的老太太,她和她40年的朋友在一起。他们是在欧洲的一列火车上认识的,从那以后就一直一起旅行。








在一个阴天——那种你宁愿蜷缩在壁炉边,喝一杯格雷伯爵茶,也不愿待在户外的天气——我去了那家书店纽约植物园(NYBG)预览新的戴尔·奇胡利展览,该展览将于2017年4月22日地球日向公众开放。这是这位深受喜爱的西雅图艺术家十多年来在纽约举办的第一次大型花园展览:2013年,他的一些作品在亚利桑那州凤凰城的沙漠植物园展出;他最后一次出现在纽约博物馆是在2006年夏天。本次展览将从2017年4月22日持续到10月29日。20多件新装置作品以它们的色彩、深度和纯粹的玻璃吹制诗歌让植物园燃起了火焰。如果你从中央车站乘地铁北上,进入植物园,你会看到蓝宝石之星,这是一个由蓝色和白色玻璃冰柱组成的冷峻万花筒,上面有700多个艺术家标志性的塔尖。你惊叹于这种玻璃花,叹了口气,但你继续前进,因为还有更多多彩的作品等着你去看。超过六辆卡车装满了奇胡利的易碎盒子,从他在华盛顿塔科马的工作室运到植物园,几名艺术家和工匠在几周内仔细组装。该装置的新颖之处在于三件被称为Koda研究的作品,它们美化了当地的植物花园。这些是用彩色玻璃制作的,在玻璃和周围环境之间提供了独特的彩色衬托。 Koda Study #1 and #2 are in the Native Plant Garden, a 3.5 acre plant Utopia studded with over 100,000 native trees, shrubs, ferns and grasses. Some of the most beautiful pieces are outdoors: the Red Reeds on Logs is situated just past the entrance of NYBG. These 100 shining glass ruby red spokes that were originally blown by the Nuutäjarvi Glass Factory in Nuutäjarvi, Finland because of the excellent clarity of glass there, and they dance like blades of fire in the sun. Treasures abound inside the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory including the graceful, ballet-like Blue Herons which look like glass versions of a Degas painting. Three beautiful chandeliers (Cypress Green, Mineral Blue and Peridot Green) gracefully halo you as you as you walk inside. In the Conservatory Courtyard, there is a dramatic neon sculpture called Tumbleweed, essentially a colorful conglomerate of spokes and wire-like glass, that the artist pioneered during his early work in the late 1960’s. Visitors will also see Chihuly’s early works which will be in display in the LuEsther T. Mertz Library building: there is a glass series and works on paper, and some of his most delicate and ethereal pieces, like the paper-thin Fire Orange Baskets which were graceful forms first developed in 1977 evoke Northwest Native American baskets. Here, the effects of gravity were harnessed to create asymmetrical works that border on the nebulous, straddling the divide between real and intangible. OTHER PROGRAMMING There will be a Chihuly Nights at the Garden series that take place after sunset when the place has its own dramatic energy, from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m. on select dates. A new book about the artist will be on sale at the NYBG bookstore. For those who love music, a summer concert series called Jazz & Chihuly takes place on Fridays on June 16th, July 14th and August 18th. But it is not all about Chihuly at the New York Botanical Garden, which has an impressive calendar of events each year. Other events include a “Daffodil Celebration and Wine Weekend” on April 29th and 30th, from 12-5 p.m. There will also be an antique garden furniture fair preview party and collectors’ plant sale on May 4th at 5:30 p.m. And perhaps the pièce de résistance for the summer include an evening of world-class opera on May 18th with Glimmerglass Festival, and a Rose Garden Weekend from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 3rd and 4th. Families will also especially love the ability to visit the Bronx Zoo, located very close to the NYBG.


卡伦·道布曼(Karen Daubmann)是纽约植物园(the New York Botanical Garden)所有展览的策展人和导演,她分享了一些在个人和职业上激励过她的世界各地的目的地。


纽约壁画家安德鲁·特德斯科(Andrew Tedesco)分享了他的一些非凡冒险经历,以及他的客户非凡住宅的墙壁、天花板和地板上的记忆。观看并找出答案!


