
11 cp - 5201

在圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉以北约79公里处,你会发现位于西班牙加利西亚大西洋海岸(死亡海岸)的穆夏渔港和海滩度假胜地。这个地区非常美丽,有令人惊叹的未受破坏的海滩,他们的渔业,以及一条贯穿木下镇的长廊。在夏天,“感知者”冒着生命危险在附近的蛮荒海域采集受欢迎的海洋美食藤壶。在木峡的图尔南角,你会发现圆形的石头木峡灯塔。这座灯塔坐落在汹涌的大海的边缘,海浪冲击着海岸和巨石。附近坐落着巨大而平坦的岩石,它们摇摇欲坠地相互平衡。民间传说说,这些是神奇的岩石,不会滑入大海。游客们爬上它们,站在上面来验证这个故事。我紧张地站在它们上,靠近狂野的大海,我还在这里!该地区也是一个候鸟地,因为每年都有许多鸟类迁徙到这个偏远的海角。 This Cape is actually the westernmost point in Europe although Finisterre is usually listed as such. I was fascinated by the wild atmosphere at the lighthouse - so different from the fishing harbor and the gorgeous quiet beaches. The beauty of Muxia is special with its huge boulders, lovely beaches, busy fishing industry, and stone lighthouse. This lighthouse is another historic and one of several protecting the seamen and the coast of Galicia, Spain. In Galicia? Stop and see the lighthouses.



在圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉以北约79公里处,你会发现位于西班牙加利西亚大西洋海岸(死亡海岸)的穆夏渔港和海滩度假胜地。这个地区非常美丽,有令人惊叹的未受破坏的海滩,他们的渔业,以及一条贯穿木下镇的长廊。在夏天,“感知者”冒着生命危险在附近的蛮荒海域采集受欢迎的海洋美食藤壶。在木峡的图尔南角,你会发现圆形的石头木峡灯塔。这座灯塔坐落在汹涌的大海的边缘,海浪冲击着海岸和巨石。附近坐落着巨大而平坦的岩石,它们摇摇欲坠地相互平衡。民间传说说,这些是神奇的岩石,不会滑入大海。游客们爬上它们,站在上面来验证这个故事。我紧张地站在它们上,靠近狂野的大海,我还在这里!该地区也是一个候鸟地,因为每年都有许多鸟类迁徙到这个偏远的海角。 This Cape is actually the westernmost point in Europe although Finisterre is usually listed as such. I was fascinated by the wild atmosphere at the lighthouse - so different from the fishing harbor and the gorgeous quiet beaches. The beauty of Muxia is special with its huge boulders, lovely beaches, busy fishing industry, and stone lighthouse. This lighthouse is another historic and one of several protecting the seamen and the coast of Galicia, Spain. In Galicia? Stop and see the lighthouses.
