Charleston's Sweetgrass Festival in Mt. Pleasant’s Waterfront Park (about a 15-minute drive from the historic district, on the other side of the Cooper River) provides a fascinating introduction to sweetgrass baskets and Gullah culture more broadly. (In 2017, the festival will take place on June 3.) Charleston’s beautiful sweetgrass baskets have a long history. The techniques used in weaving, or sewing, these baskets were brought by slaves from Africa more than 300 years ago. On plantations, the baskets were used to winnow grains; following Emancipation, they were crucial for storing dried grain, okra, fish and other foods during a time of extremely limited resources. At the festival you can purchase baskets from over 20 artisans, as well as learn more about the techniques used to make them and Gullah culture more broadly. The itineraries created by the AFAR Travel Advisory Council include six focused on the city's most interesting celebrations and festivals. Read more at AFAR Journeys."> 香草节回顾|查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载



每年六月初,查尔斯顿在芒特普莱森特海滨公园(Mt. Pleasant’s Waterfront Park,距离库珀河(Cooper River)对岸的历史街区约15分钟车程)举办的“甜草节”(Sweetgrass Festival),可以让你更广泛地了解甜草篮和格勒文化。(2017年的电影节将于6月3日举行。)查尔斯顿美丽的香草篮有着悠久的历史。编织或缝制这些篮子的技术是300多年前由非洲奴隶带来的。在种植园里,篮子是用来筛谷物的;解放后,在资源极其有限的时期,它们对于储存干谷物、秋葵、鱼和其他食物至关重要。在节日期间,你可以从20多名工匠那里购买篮子,还可以了解更多制作篮子的技术,以及更广泛的格勒文化。由AFAR旅游咨询委员会制定的行程包括6个重点关注城市最有趣的庆祝活动和节日。欲知详情,请浏览远方的旅行
