Nashville area. He opened his first joint in a repurposed auto-body shop in Nolensville, but now has achieved barbecue-empire status with multiple locations. The grandest branch, in downtown Nashville, includes a terrific backyard beer garden, with an open skeleton of steel beams overhead, the surrounding brick walls covered with bright murals and bric-a-brac from old license plates to portraits of Daisy Duke, and everywhere the perfume of pit smoke. It's hard to make a poor choice from a menu that includes smoked wings in Alabama white sauce, pulled pork over hoecake with slaw (called the Redneck Taco), and simple slices of beef brisket.

"> 马丁的酒吧- b - que联合|纳什维尔,田纳西州-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载



帕特·马丁在研究了西田纳西州老前辈的历史悠久的全猪烧烤传统后,把这门手艺带到了美国纳什维尔区域。他在诺兰斯维尔(Nolensville)的一家改装汽车车身店开了第一家烧烤店,但现在已经拥有多家分店,成为烧烤帝国。最大的分店位于纳什维尔市中心,有一个非常棒的后院啤酒花园,头顶上有一个开放式的钢梁骨架,周围的砖墙上挂满了明亮的壁画和小摆设,从旧车牌到黛西·杜克(Daisy Duke)的肖像,到处都是矿井烟的香气。菜单上有阿拉巴马白酱烟熏鸡翅、拉猪肉和沙拉(被称为Redneck Taco),还有简单的牛腩片,你很难做出糟糕的选择。
