Nashville outpost on the ground floor of the Thompson Hotel in the Gulch neighborhood. He brings with him a love of fresh seafood and the distinctive taste of New Orleans—including his mother's gumbo recipe—through dishes like red snapper court bouillon. The menu includes options from land, too, such as duck confit dirty rice, a Tennessee pork chop with collards and grits, and Mississippi rabbit over hand-cut pappardelle with wild mushrooms. The restaurant, accented with deep blue and touches of Nashville-casual denim, has a relaxed bistro vibe and a menu for every meal of the day. Don't miss pastry chef Lisa White's biscuits at breakfast or her after-dinner desserts like Cruze buttermilk cheesecake."> 回顾Marsh House |纳什维尔,田纳西州-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载



广受赞誉的厨师、新奥尔良餐厅老板约翰·贝什(John Besh)的第一家餐厅开张了纳什维尔位于古尔奇社区汤普森酒店一层的前哨站。他带来了对新鲜海鲜的热爱和新奥尔良独特的味道——包括他母亲的秋葵汤食谱——比如红鲷鱼宫廷汤。菜单上也有陆地上的菜品,比如鸭油脏饭、田纳西猪排配羽衣甘蓝和粗面粉、密西西比兔子配手切的野蘑菇宽面条。这家餐厅以深蓝色为基调,带有纳什维尔休闲牛仔风格,有一种轻松的小酒馆氛围,每天的每顿饭都有菜单。不要错过糕点师丽莎·怀特的早餐饼干或餐后甜点,比如科鲁兹酪乳芝士蛋糕。
