London with Kenyan heritage, decided to introduce the food truck revolution to Nairobi. Their pale pink truck, located most days outside the Alchemist bar in Westlands, has sent Kenyans wild with joy and praise for the gourmet burgers. Mama Rocks recipes infuse Western/American traditional foods with an African twist, like the Nollywood Suya Saga burger (a beef burger dressed with caramelized onions, arugula, and a honey and nut mayo blend), served with fried plantains on the side. Despite identifying as a burger truck, Mama Rocks turns out delicious salads and drinks, too. The veggie burger (a falafel patty topped with haloumi cheese) is one of the most popular items on the menu."> 回顾Mama Rocks Food Truck |内罗毕,肯尼亚- AFAR - 188app官网下载



岩石妈妈的老板,来自伦敦有肯尼亚传统的他决定将餐车革命引入内罗毕。他们的淡粉色卡车大部分时间都停在韦斯特兰的炼金师酒吧外,让肯尼亚人对美味汉堡充满了喜悦和赞美。Mama Rocks的食谱将西方/美国传统食物与非洲特色融合在一起,比如瑙莱坞的Suya Saga汉堡(一种牛肉汉堡,配上焦糖洋葱、芝麻菜、蜂蜜和坚果蛋黄酱),配上炸芭蕉。尽管被称为汉堡车,“摇滚妈妈”也提供美味的沙拉和饮料。素食汉堡(沙拉三明治肉饼加上哈罗米奶酪)是菜单上最受欢迎的菜品之一。
