San Francisco were synonymous with psychedelic "hobbies," but tripping in the new millennium on Pier 39 is something you can now enjoy, legally, with the entire family. This labyrinth of 77 mirrors and black lights is reminiscent of a carnival fun house, and finding your way out of the 2,000-square-foot kaleidoscope of glowing twists and turns and befuddling dead-ends puts the fun in funky. While '80s music thumps, kids race through and into the walls, while adults feel their way down endless neon hallways. Created by Charles Magowan (who, no surprise, studied psychology at Yale), the Mirror Maze is a trip for all ages, and at just $5 it might be the cheapest one you'll find in San Francisco."> 回顾Magowan的无限镜迷宫|旧金山,加利福尼亚- AFAR - 188app官网下载



六七十年代的旧金山曾经是迷幻“爱好”的代名词,但在新千年,你现在可以合法地和全家人一起去39号码头旅行了。这个由77面镜子和黑灯组成的迷宫让人想起嘉年华游乐园,在这个2000平方英尺的万花筒里找到一条出路,这个万花筒里有发光的曲折和令人困惑的死胡同,这让人觉得很有趣。随着80年代的音乐轰轰作响,孩子们在墙壁上奔跑,而成年人则在无尽的霓虹灯走廊里摸索着前进。由Charles Magowan(毫无疑问,他曾在耶鲁大学学习心理学)创造的镜子迷宫是老少皆宜的旅行,而且它可能是你在旧金山能找到的最便宜的迷宫了,只要5美元。
