

只做一件事,并把它做好。这家位于西澳大利亚州Union Gap主干道上的小玉米粉蒸肉店是小镇成功的缩影。忠实的顾客们会提前打电话来确保他们的订单正在等待取货。他们采用当地可持续的食材,并为应季的任何东西提供特别的玉米粉蒸肉。虽然低调低调,但洛斯埃尔南德斯在亚基马山谷不断发展的美食界中屹立不摇。想要炸玉米饼吗?去别的地方。墨西哥卷饼吗?不会发生。玉米粉蒸肉在没有竞争的情况下占据了主导地位,但如果有竞争对手的话,它们会碾压其他菜单竞争者。 You could squeeze a dozen folks at tables in the front with a few more outdoor option, but most choose take home. Call your order in the day before and be sure to pick up some of the signature salsa made daily on site. This is traditional Mexican cuisine at its finest level of execution. Sentimental and savory, Los Hernandez captures the culture the recipes were imported from. There’s a respect for the mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers that pursued the flavors and textures to come up with the latest iteration coming out of Los Hernandez. Order ahead, pack them with love and share them with everybody. Simply splendid!



只做一件事,并把它做好。这家位于西澳大利亚州Union Gap主干道上的小玉米粉蒸肉店是小镇成功的缩影。忠实的顾客们会提前打电话来确保他们的订单正在等待取货。他们采用当地可持续的食材,并为应季的任何东西提供特别的玉米粉蒸肉。虽然低调低调,但洛斯埃尔南德斯在亚基马山谷不断发展的美食界中屹立不摇。想要炸玉米饼吗?去别的地方。墨西哥卷饼吗?不会发生。玉米粉蒸肉在没有竞争的情况下占据了主导地位,但如果有竞争对手的话,它们会碾压其他菜单竞争者。 You could squeeze a dozen folks at tables in the front with a few more outdoor option, but most choose take home. Call your order in the day before and be sure to pick up some of the signature salsa made daily on site. This is traditional Mexican cuisine at its finest level of execution. Sentimental and savory, Los Hernandez captures the culture the recipes were imported from. There’s a respect for the mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers that pursued the flavors and textures to come up with the latest iteration coming out of Los Hernandez. Order ahead, pack them with love and share them with everybody. Simply splendid!
