Le Coin des Artistes


当人们问起我在布鲁塞尔的顶级餐厅时,我不得不三思而行,不是因为犹豫不决,而是因为我不愿意分享。如果我很喜欢一个人,我会告诉他我的秘密——Le Coin des artists。布鲁塞尔几乎所有我最喜欢的餐厅,从外面看起来都很不起眼。Le Coin des Artistes也不例外。路过时很容易没有意识到这座街角的建筑是一家餐厅,它破旧别致的内部并没有暗示厨房里的奇迹。深吸一口气,你一定会闻到令人垂涎三尺的味道。拉过一把椅子,试着破译手写的黑板菜单。如果你不懂法语(或者看不清几乎难以辨认的当日特色菜),别担心,有人会为你解码。即使你选择菜单时只能捂着眼睛用手指点,你的饭菜也会很美味。别忘了问酒的建议。 The list here is well worth the splurge. The food is rustic French. The chef hails from the south of France and you’ll find traditional French countryside favourites and seasonal specialities. When in doubt, choose the cassoulet. This hearty bean and sausage dish is so good it’s almost a religious experience. Le Coin des Artistes is a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover – or not judging a restaurant by its rickety chairs. Just don’t tell too many people about it, because we locals want to keep it all to ourselves.



当人们问起我在布鲁塞尔的顶级餐厅时,我不得不三思而行,不是因为犹豫不决,而是因为我不愿意分享。如果我很喜欢一个人,我会告诉他我的秘密——Le Coin des artists。布鲁塞尔几乎所有我最喜欢的餐厅,从外面看起来都很不起眼。Le Coin des Artistes也不例外。路过时很容易没有意识到这座街角的建筑是一家餐厅,它破旧别致的内部并没有暗示厨房里的奇迹。深吸一口气,你一定会闻到令人垂涎三尺的味道。拉过一把椅子,试着破译手写的黑板菜单。如果你不懂法语(或者看不清几乎难以辨认的当日特色菜),别担心,有人会为你解码。即使你选择菜单时只能捂着眼睛用手指点,你的饭菜也会很美味。别忘了问酒的建议。 The list here is well worth the splurge. The food is rustic French. The chef hails from the south of France and you’ll find traditional French countryside favourites and seasonal specialities. When in doubt, choose the cassoulet. This hearty bean and sausage dish is so good it’s almost a religious experience. Le Coin des Artistes is a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover – or not judging a restaurant by its rickety chairs. Just don’t tell too many people about it, because we locals want to keep it all to ourselves.
