

在伯利兹北部的奥兰治步道区,坐落着该国最大的玛雅遗址之一:Lamanai。从公路可以到达,但我是在沿着新河乘船一个小时后到达的。“Lamanai”这个名字大致可以翻译为“水下鳄鱼”。显然,这里曾经人口众多。该遗址可以追溯到公元前700年,据估计,作为遗址的一部分,建筑的数量约为700座;然而,实际挖掘的不足5%。茂密的丛林里满是吼猴、鸟类和美洲虎,隐藏着剩下的建筑。从登陆坞穿过丛林的旅程当然令人回味无穷。高大的棕榈树形成了密集的天花板,浓密的灌木丛掩盖了道路周围的一切,因为挖掘仍在进行中,仍然散落着陶器碎片和文物。面具寺的细节保存最完好,但从N10-43(或高寺)的顶部看到的风景令人兴奋。 I don’t recommend it for those who are afraid of heights because the climb down is steep and challenging. If you can make it, it’s worth every moment of struggle. I am no expert judge, but I would revisit Lamanai again in a heartbeat; of all the Maya historical places I have been, it was the most interesting and complete in terms of narrative and historical detail. A museum toward the entrance to the complex could easily take an entire afternoon to get through because of the volume of information it houses.



在伯利兹北部的奥兰治步道区,坐落着该国最大的玛雅遗址之一:Lamanai。从公路可以到达,但我是在沿着新河乘船一个小时后到达的。“Lamanai”这个名字大致可以翻译为“水下鳄鱼”。显然,这里曾经人口众多。该遗址可以追溯到公元前700年,据估计,作为遗址的一部分,建筑的数量约为700座;然而,实际挖掘的不足5%。茂密的丛林里满是吼猴、鸟类和美洲虎,隐藏着剩下的建筑。从登陆坞穿过丛林的旅程当然令人回味无穷。高大的棕榈树形成了密集的天花板,浓密的灌木丛掩盖了道路周围的一切,因为挖掘仍在进行中,仍然散落着陶器碎片和文物。面具寺的细节保存最完好,但从N10-43(或高寺)的顶部看到的风景令人兴奋。 I don’t recommend it for those who are afraid of heights because the climb down is steep and challenging. If you can make it, it’s worth every moment of struggle. I am no expert judge, but I would revisit Lamanai again in a heartbeat; of all the Maya historical places I have been, it was the most interesting and complete in terms of narrative and historical detail. A museum toward the entrance to the complex could easily take an entire afternoon to get through because of the volume of information it houses.


