Kohsamui Hotel De Mar


微风轻轻地前后摇晃着吊床。当我闭着眼睛躺在那里时,我能听到熟悉的鼓声在曼萨尼约的小村庄里飘荡。我想象在镇中心的某个地方有一个巨大的扬声器,全天候提供村庄的节奏。科萨梅岛精品酒店非常简洁,装饰明亮,背景是白色。只有4个房间,让整个氛围既舒适又凉爽;它是为放松而设计的。一个巨大的露天大厅里摆满了五颜六色的鲜花和抱枕,距离海滩小屋仅几步之遥。然而,楼上才是真正的休闲场所。露台俯瞰着海滩,海风阵阵吹来。吊床和布质秋千椅挂在椽子上,是准备午餐时打盹的绝佳场所。 This was the place you want to come, hang out and write a novel. Sherry Ott traveled to Cartagena de India, Colombia courtesy of the Cartagena de Indias Tourism Board, Rafael Núñez International Airport of Cartagena, Avanti Destinations, and Avianca Airlines. Her highlights are part of AFAR’s partnership with The United States Tour Operator Association (USTOA), whose members provide travelers with unparalleled access, insider knowledge, peace-of-mind, value and freedom to enjoy destinations across the entire globe. See more about Sherry’s trip at the USTOA blog - http://ustoa.com/blog/category/afar/



微风轻轻地前后摇晃着吊床。当我闭着眼睛躺在那里时,我能听到熟悉的鼓声在曼萨尼约的小村庄里飘荡。我想象在镇中心的某个地方有一个巨大的扬声器,全天候提供村庄的节奏。科萨梅岛精品酒店非常简洁,装饰明亮,背景是白色。只有4个房间,让整个氛围既舒适又凉爽;它是为放松而设计的。一个巨大的露天大厅里摆满了五颜六色的鲜花和抱枕,距离海滩小屋仅几步之遥。然而,楼上才是真正的休闲场所。露台俯瞰着海滩,海风阵阵吹来。吊床和布质秋千椅挂在椽子上,是准备午餐时打盹的绝佳场所。 This was the place you want to come, hang out and write a novel. Sherry Ott traveled to Cartagena de India, Colombia courtesy of the Cartagena de Indias Tourism Board, Rafael Núñez International Airport of Cartagena, Avanti Destinations, and Avianca Airlines. Her highlights are part of AFAR’s partnership with The United States Tour Operator Association (USTOA), whose members provide travelers with unparalleled access, insider knowledge, peace-of-mind, value and freedom to enjoy destinations across the entire globe. See more about Sherry’s trip at the USTOA blog - http://ustoa.com/blog/category/afar/
