Atlanta's top rated restaurants and it doesn't take long to learn why. Every detail is impeccable, from the excellent service to the carefully crafted cocktails to the meals themselves. Set in an old train depot in Decatur, dinner at Kimball House is a splurge you won't soon forget. Start with a few oysters, their main attraction, and a cocktail in a vintage glass. If your group is feeling adventurous, try the bottled old fashioned, which serves 4, or the full absinthe service, complete with sugar cubes and all the fixings. Beer and wine are also options. The menu changes seasonally, but always offers some form of fish, meat and vegetables, as well as steak and caviar. They don't take reservations, so you'll have to be patient or go early. They also have outdoor seating for when the weather is nice. Named for the former Kimball House Hotel, the interior of the restaurant is the star, so don't forget to look up from your meal."> 回顾Kimball House |佐治亚州迪凯特- AFAR - 188app官网下载



金博尔之家就是其中之一亚特兰大它是美国最受好评的餐厅,不用花很长时间就能知道原因。每一个细节都无可挑剔,从优质的服务到精心制作的鸡尾酒,再到饭菜本身。在迪凯特(Decatur)的一个旧火车站,在金博尔之家(Kimball House)吃晚餐是一种挥霍,你不会很快忘记。先来几只牡蛎,这是这里最吸引人的地方,再来一杯装在复古酒杯里的鸡尾酒。如果你的团队想要冒险,可以尝试瓶装的老式鸡尾酒,一份4人,或者全苦艾酒,包括方糖和所有的配菜。啤酒和葡萄酒也是不错的选择。菜单随季节变化,但总是提供某种形式的鱼、肉和蔬菜,以及牛排和鱼子酱。他们不接受预约,所以你要么耐心点,要么早点去。天气好的时候,他们也有户外座位。这家餐厅以前金伯尔酒店(Kimball House Hotel)命名,餐厅的内部是明星,所以用餐时别忘了抬头看。



金博尔之家就是其中之一亚特兰大它是美国最受好评的餐厅,不用花很长时间就能知道原因。每一个细节都无可挑剔,从优质的服务到精心制作的鸡尾酒,再到饭菜本身。在迪凯特(Decatur)的一个旧火车站,在金博尔之家(Kimball House)吃晚餐是一种挥霍,你不会很快忘记。先来几只牡蛎,这是这里最吸引人的地方,再来一杯装在复古酒杯里的鸡尾酒。如果你的团队想要冒险,可以尝试瓶装的老式鸡尾酒,一份4人,或者全苦艾酒,包括方糖和所有的配菜。啤酒和葡萄酒也是不错的选择。菜单随季节变化,但总是提供某种形式的鱼、肉和蔬菜,以及牛排和鱼子酱。他们不接受预约,所以你要么耐心点,要么早点去。天气好的时候,他们也有户外座位。这家餐厅以前金伯尔酒店(Kimball House Hotel)命名,餐厅的内部是明星,所以用餐时别忘了抬头看。
