


我太谦虚了光着身子走来走去,即使是我一个人的时候。但当我关上Juvet风景酒店的小屋的门后,我想做的第一件事就是摆脱一切将我与自然隔开的东西。当然,在农村,我所到之处都是如此挪威,我被令人敬畏的自然威严包围着。但不知怎的,朱庇特却使这一切的庄严更直接,更属于我,只属于我。七个小木屋坐落在两个白雪皑皑、瀑布纵横的山峰之间的山谷里。坐落在Valldola河之上,每个小房子都以落地玻璃窗格为特色,贯穿一整面墙的长度。景色——摇曳的桦树,从长满苔藓的岩石上奔流而过的河流,从山坡上发芽的蕨类植物——就像迪士尼卡通里的场景;简直太完美了。而且每个小屋的位置都是这样的,没有客人可以看到别人的小屋。所以如果我屈服于诱惑脱光衣服,就不会有目击者了。Juvet(读作YU-vet)的主人是克努特·斯林宁(Knut Slinning),他在这里的一间小木屋里住了很多年。当周围的农田要出售时,他扑了上去。 “For a man from a small western town,” he told me, “sitting on the two mountains I own makes me happy.” Knut seems content to keep his hotel secluded. When I found it, having gotten lost after driving past miles of strawberry farms, I felt as if I had discovered a secret hideaway. The rooms are spare: dark wooden walls, a variety of solid-colored, less-is-more modern furniture, and two beds. Low-wattage lights, heated floors, and a small wall heater are the rooms’ only “technologically advanced” items. When I flipped open my laptop, I immediately felt guilty that I wasn’t giving the space, and by extension, nature, total reverence. The most impressive building on the property is the spa, which is so well hidden that I stood on its grass roof without even realizing what was beneath me. But when I followed a small winding path, I found an open-air building with a sauna, steam rooms, a hot tub, and tables surrounding a small wood-burning fireplace. Each spa area either sits behind more floor-to-ceiling glass or opens onto nature via a wooden deck that juts out over the river. If there’s a more idyllic place to drink wine, I haven’t found it. Dinner is served in a rustic barn. Filled with antiques and lit by simple chandeliers, the barn feels decades apart from the sleek modernity that informs the rest of the Juvet, but it still fits. While I was there, Knut’s daughter, home from law school for the summer, prepared a meal of salted fish and local sausages, vegetables, and cheeses. I felt more like a friend invited over for the weekend than a paying guest. After the sun started to dip (it never gets completely dark during the Norwegian summer), I spent the next several hours on the barn’s spacious patio. I tried to read a book, but I had to stop every few minutes to take in all the scenery again. Around midnight, I finally went back to my cabin. The bed was tucked away behind a wall, offering darkness if I wanted it. Small sliding doors beside the bed let in the white noise of the river, but that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted my view of the natural world to be the first thing I saw when I woke up. I took the comforter out to the couch and picked the optimal spot. The 12:30 a.m. sunlight was a bit bright to fall asleep to, but with a view like that, why would I even want to close my eyes?
