Rome’s architecture department, JK Place is one of the newer additions to Rome’s growing number of high-end luxury boutique hotels. It is located near the intersection of Via Del Corso and Via dei Condotti, Rome’s most chaotic shopping nexus, but it is just far enough away from the action to maintain an air of seclusion, a rarity for the zone.

Behind the hotel’s unassuming doorway, classrooms and offices have been transformed into an effortlessly cool retreat. Like its siblings in Florence and Capri, the JK Place Rome is eclectically decorated and packed with artwork. Rooms feature canopied beds, sculptures, and sleek bathrooms decked out in Italian marble. The JK Café Bistro and bar attract well-heeled locals, giving the hotel a more down-to-earth vibe than its boutique neighbors, without sacrificing its unquestionable elegance."> 回顾JK广场罗马|罗马,意大利| AFAR - AFAR - 188app官网下载


Via di Monte d'Oro, 30,00186罗马RM,意大利

于2013年在一幢以前是纽约大学的大楼里开业罗马JK Place是罗马日益增多的高端豪华精品酒店中的一家。它位于Via Del Corso和Via dei Condotti的交叉口附近,这是罗马最混乱的购物中心,但它离人流足够远,保持了一种隐居的氛围,这在该地区是罕见的。

在酒店不起眼的门口后面,教室和办公室已被改造成一个轻松凉爽的休闲场所。就像它的兄弟姐妹弗洛伦斯和卡普里,罗马JK广场装饰不拘一格,充满了艺术品。房间设有带顶棚的床,雕塑,和光滑的浴室装饰在意大利大理石。JK Café小酒馆和酒吧吸引了富有的当地人,让酒店比它的精品邻居更接地气,而不牺牲其毋庸置疑的优雅。
