Sydney. That’s perfectly fine with those who appreciate the quieter charms of the wildlife-rich South Coast and want to keep it to themselves. During a snorkeling expedition at Montague Island, six miles off shore from the south coast town of Narooma, you may come face-to-face with fur seals and penguins. A visit to Jervis Bay is a must – home to famous white sand beaches and turquoise waters that are among the safest and most beautiful in the world along with abundant opportunities for dolphin and whale sightings. Cruises departing from Huskisson, at the center of the bay, take travelers to see dolphins year-round, while migrating whales can be spotted from June to November. Australia’s most iconic animals congregate at Pebbly Beach, where eastern grey kangaroos will warmly greet any traveler who has a treat to share. "> 回顾杰维斯湾|杰维斯湾领土,澳大利亚-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载


许多旅行者在家里呆了一段时间后就往北走悉尼.对于那些欣赏野生动物丰富的南海岸的宁静魅力,并希望自己保留它的人来说,这是完全可以接受的。在蒙塔古岛(Montague Island)进行浮潜探险时,你可能会与海狗和企鹅面对面。蒙塔古岛距离南海岸小镇纳鲁玛(Narooma)六英里。去杰维斯湾是必须的,这里有著名的白色沙滩和蓝绿色的海水,是世界上最安全、最美丽的水域之一,还有大量的机会可以看到海豚和鲸鱼。从海湾中心的赫斯基森出发的游轮全年都能让游客看到海豚,而从6月到11月,可以看到迁徙的鲸鱼。澳大利亚最具标志性的动物聚集在卵石海滩,东部灰袋鼠会热情地欢迎任何有食物可分享的游客。



许多旅行者在家里呆了一段时间后就往北走悉尼.对于那些欣赏野生动物丰富的南海岸的宁静魅力,并希望自己保留它的人来说,这是完全可以接受的。在蒙塔古岛(Montague Island)进行浮潜探险时,你可能会与海狗和企鹅面对面。蒙塔古岛距离南海岸小镇纳鲁玛(Narooma)六英里。去杰维斯湾是必须的,这里有著名的白色沙滩和蓝绿色的海水,是世界上最安全、最美丽的水域之一,还有大量的机会可以看到海豚和鲸鱼。从海湾中心的赫斯基森出发的游轮全年都能让游客看到海豚,而从6月到11月,可以看到迁徙的鲸鱼。澳大利亚最具标志性的动物聚集在卵石海滩,东部灰袋鼠会热情地欢迎任何有食物可分享的游客。
