
27 Kingspark, Scrahane, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93 H6F8,爱尔兰

阴云密布,大雨倾盆,水银也隐没了。船之旅吗?当然!从罗斯城堡开始,我们一半的人已经离开了。好天气类型。反正我也要去。在爱尔兰的时候!于是,我和另外三位勇敢的旅行者一起爬上了一艘低调的红船(我脑海中正在上演一场三小时的旅行),裹着救生衣,挤在塑料布下面,我们在著名的基拉尼湖上上下起伏,利恩湖是最大、最美丽的湖。我想知道水是淡的还是咸的。一个浪头从船边扫过,打在我脸上。 “Fresh,” I declared. The scenery was unparalleled. Inaccessible by cars; ruggedly romantic. We floated through a scene from an Irish novel. The remains of Innisfallen Abbey lured, eagles soared, and the silence (outside the pounding rain) scraped at our ears. After navigating a small inlet, the boat driver asked us to get out while he tried to guide up river, against the current. I took this photo as he struggled to push under a bridge. Eventually we had to help pull him through the unrelenting water. Our trip ended at Lord Brandon’s Cottage where a BBQ awaited. In the frigid weather, hair dripping, fingers numb, the hot steak and potatoes were the perfect remedy, washed down with hot whiskey, of course. We warmed our hands over the coals, then took a taxi through the Gap of Dunloe, and stopped at another pub when we made it through---to warm up some more. When in Ireland!



阴云密布,大雨倾盆,水银也隐没了。船之旅吗?当然!从罗斯城堡开始,我们一半的人已经离开了。好天气类型。反正我也要去。在爱尔兰的时候!于是,我和另外三位勇敢的旅行者一起爬上了一艘低调的红船(我脑海中正在上演一场三小时的旅行),裹着救生衣,挤在塑料布下面,我们在著名的基拉尼湖上上下起伏,利恩湖是最大、最美丽的湖。我想知道水是淡的还是咸的。一个浪头从船边扫过,打在我脸上。 “Fresh,” I declared. The scenery was unparalleled. Inaccessible by cars; ruggedly romantic. We floated through a scene from an Irish novel. The remains of Innisfallen Abbey lured, eagles soared, and the silence (outside the pounding rain) scraped at our ears. After navigating a small inlet, the boat driver asked us to get out while he tried to guide up river, against the current. I took this photo as he struggled to push under a bridge. Eventually we had to help pull him through the unrelenting water. Our trip ended at Lord Brandon’s Cottage where a BBQ awaited. In the frigid weather, hair dripping, fingers numb, the hot steak and potatoes were the perfect remedy, washed down with hot whiskey, of course. We warmed our hands over the coals, then took a taxi through the Gap of Dunloe, and stopped at another pub when we made it through---to warm up some more. When in Ireland!
