Charleston when British forces invaded, and the house was later rented out on a weekly basis, including by the city of Charleston to accommodate President George Washington when he visited in 1791. Among its unique features is a kitchen building that predates the house itself, having been constructed in the 1740s. It's the only building of its kind open to the public in Charleston. The Holmes Bookcase, in the main house, is one of the finest examples of American-made Colonial furniture, and the formal gardens include plants commonly grown in the Lowcountry in the late 18th century."> 海沃德-华盛顿之家|查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载


这座历史悠久的房子是乔治亚风格的双人住宅,建于1772年,为《独立宣言》的签署人小托马斯·海沃德(Thomas Heyward, Jr.)建造。1780年,海沃德逃离查尔斯顿后来,这座房子每周都被出租,包括查尔斯顿市在乔治·华盛顿总统1791年来访时出租。它的特色之一是建于18世纪40年代的厨房建筑,比房子本身还要早。这是查尔斯顿唯一对公众开放的建筑。主屋的福尔摩斯书柜(Holmes Bookcase)是美国制造的殖民时期家具中最好的典范之一,正式的花园包括18世纪晚期在低地地区(Lowcountry)普遍种植的植物。
