

出发前,我们读到过哈拉尔鬣狗人的故事,我们不可能错过见到他们的机会。哈勒尔一开始只有一个鬣狗人,但现在有了第二个,他们都保持着每晚呼唤动物并喂它们碎肉的传统。传说这是为了防止鬣狗在黑暗的掩护下捕食牲畜甚至人类而开始的。在城墙外骑了一小段巴贾吉,我们来到了这个鬣狗人开始晚上进食的地方。他在黑夜里大声叫着,鬣狗们就跑了过来。如果游客愿意,他们也可以加入喂食。我做到了。我走进被一辆4x4扔出来的灯光里,跪在鬣狗人旁边。我伸出手去拿他喂它们的那根棍子。他把它掰成两半,做手势让我张开嘴,把棍子叼在嘴里。 It was quite the “Oh what the hell” moment, but I did it. He placed a shred of meat over the end of the stick, and the hyenas that surrounded us closed in from all sides. One came close enough to snatch the meat away, and then the Hyena Man reloaded the stick, again and again, as each hyena grabbed its treat. Then he held meat over my right shoulder, so that the hyenas body checked me in the attempted to get it. I got to finish out the experience by holding the basket that contained the last scraps and letting one hyena stick his head in it to polish them off.



出发前,我们读到过哈拉尔鬣狗人的故事,我们不可能错过见到他们的机会。哈勒尔一开始只有一个鬣狗人,但现在有了第二个,他们都保持着每晚呼唤动物并喂它们碎肉的传统。传说这是为了防止鬣狗在黑暗的掩护下捕食牲畜甚至人类而开始的。在城墙外骑了一小段巴贾吉,我们来到了这个鬣狗人开始晚上进食的地方。他在黑夜里大声叫着,鬣狗们就跑了过来。如果游客愿意,他们也可以加入喂食。我做到了。我走进被一辆4x4扔出来的灯光里,跪在鬣狗人旁边。我伸出手去拿他喂它们的那根棍子。他把它掰成两半,做手势让我张开嘴,把棍子叼在嘴里。 It was quite the “Oh what the hell” moment, but I did it. He placed a shred of meat over the end of the stick, and the hyenas that surrounded us closed in from all sides. One came close enough to snatch the meat away, and then the Hyena Man reloaded the stick, again and again, as each hyena grabbed its treat. Then he held meat over my right shoulder, so that the hyenas body checked me in the attempted to get it. I got to finish out the experience by holding the basket that contained the last scraps and letting one hyena stick his head in it to polish them off.
