
在图尔米的最后一天,我们花了一些时间参观了一个哈马尔村庄。白天,村里最常见的是妇女和儿童,因为男人在田野里照顾他们的动物,而他们正在吃草。为了赚钱,哈玛尔村民很乐意摆姿势拍照,但你得付钱给他们。协商费用。当我到达这个村庄的时候,我有更多的哈马尔妇女的照片,比一个旅行者需要的还要多,所以我实际上是专注于捕捉孩子们的照片。要不是听到铃声,我差点空手而归。我看到这个小婴儿依偎在妈妈的怀里,袖口上挂着铃铛。他很可爱,但他的妈妈很漂亮,我发现自己盯着她完全忘记了孩子。挂在她脖子上的带金属突起的皮带象征着她是“第一任妻子”;哈玛人是一夫多妻者。 Her hairstyle of bangs and fine dreadlocks, coated in red mud that has been mixed with oil, is typical of the Hamar. She wears an apron style piece of goat skin that is adorned with beads that come from Kenya and that she most likely traded for. Earrings, necklaces, armbands and often leg bands complete the Hamar look. What you can’t see in the photo are the scars on her back. Scarification is deliberate for the Hamar and they consider a mark of beauty. After I captured her image, I set aside all the others I had taken – they just can’t compare.



在图尔米的最后一天,我们花了一些时间参观了一个哈马尔村庄。白天,村里最常见的是妇女和儿童,因为男人在田野里照顾他们的动物,而他们正在吃草。为了赚钱,哈玛尔村民很乐意摆姿势拍照,但你得付钱给他们。协商费用。当我到达这个村庄的时候,我有更多的哈马尔妇女的照片,比一个旅行者需要的还要多,所以我实际上是专注于捕捉孩子们的照片。要不是听到铃声,我差点空手而归。我看到这个小婴儿依偎在妈妈的怀里,袖口上挂着铃铛。他很可爱,但他的妈妈很漂亮,我发现自己盯着她完全忘记了孩子。挂在她脖子上的带金属突起的皮带象征着她是“第一任妻子”;哈玛人是一夫多妻者。 Her hairstyle of bangs and fine dreadlocks, coated in red mud that has been mixed with oil, is typical of the Hamar. She wears an apron style piece of goat skin that is adorned with beads that come from Kenya and that she most likely traded for. Earrings, necklaces, armbands and often leg bands complete the Hamar look. What you can’t see in the photo are the scars on her back. Scarification is deliberate for the Hamar and they consider a mark of beauty. After I captured her image, I set aside all the others I had taken – they just can’t compare.
