Park City's iconic Main Street, the Italian restaurant Grappa occupies a beautiful 100-plus-year-old renovated building that over the years has been a brothel, bar, and bed-and-breakfast. The name comes from the Italian brandy distilled from the leftover grape skins, stems, and seeds from the winemaking process. And, of course, Grappa serves it! Founder and owner Bill White blends French culinary influences with regional Italian dishes to bring bold and delicious flavors to his customers. When the weather is appropriate, there are five levels of patios, complete with plants and water features for alfresco dining."> 犹他州帕克城Grappa |评测 - 188app官网下载


美国帕克城主街151号,UT 84060

位于山顶上的公园城市意大利餐厅Grappa坐落在一座有100多年历史、经过翻新的美丽建筑里,多年来这里曾是妓院、酒吧和提供住宿和早餐的旅馆。这个名字来源于意大利白兰地,它是从酿酒过程中剩下的葡萄皮、茎和种子蒸馏而来的。当然,Grappa也有!创始人兼老板比尔·怀特(Bill White)将法国烹饪与意大利地区菜肴融合在一起,为顾客带来大胆而美味的口味。当天气适宜时,酒店有五层露台,配有植物和水景,供露天用餐。
