Puerto Rico, there isn't a clearly defined marker. Normally, to find Gozalandia, you would first have to visit it with a local, because getting directions there can be complicated. Lately, there is talk of turning the waterfalls into an ecoresort). Parking is cheap, but get there early to avoid crowds. There are several muddy paths leading to two beautiful waterfalls. I recommend going on weekdays in the morning. Forget going on weekends, as it will be way too crowded to enjoy it peacefully. If you go during the wet season (August to October), be prepared to just go barefoot. Shoes lose grip, you slide everywhere, and you eventually take them off anyways. I always start by hiking to the top waterfall first, as this one usually has fewer people around it. There's a rope swing for the adventurous and a nice cool water pool for the rest of us. This is definitely a beautiful place to relax in nature."> 哥萨兰迪亚回顾|玻利维亚- AFAR - 188app官网下载


Sec Gozalandia

和其他许多自然奇观一样波多黎各,没有一个明确的标记。通常,要找到Gozalandia,你首先必须和当地人一起参观,因为在那里找方向可能很复杂。最近,有人说要把瀑布变成一个生态度假村)。停车费很便宜,但要早点到,以免拥挤。有几条泥泞的小路通向两个美丽的瀑布。我建议在工作日的早上去。忘记周末去吧,因为那里太拥挤了,无法平静地享受。如果你在雨季(8月到10月)去,准备好光脚。鞋子失去了抓地力,你到处滑,最终你还是会把它们脱掉。我总是先徒步到瀑布的顶部,因为这个瀑布周围的人很少。 There’s a rope swing for the adventurous and a nice cool water pool for the rest of us. This is definitely a beautiful place to relax in nature.



和其他许多自然奇观一样波多黎各,没有一个明确的标记。通常,要找到Gozalandia,你首先必须和当地人一起参观,因为在那里找方向可能很复杂。最近,有人说要把瀑布变成一个生态度假村)。停车费很便宜,但要早点到,以免拥挤。有几条泥泞的小路通向两个美丽的瀑布。我建议在工作日的早上去。忘记周末去吧,因为那里太拥挤了,无法平静地享受。如果你在雨季(8月到10月)去,准备好光脚。鞋子失去了抓地力,你到处滑,最终你还是会把它们脱掉。我总是先徒步到瀑布的顶部,因为这个瀑布周围的人很少。 There’s a rope swing for the adventurous and a nice cool water pool for the rest of us. This is definitely a beautiful place to relax in nature.


波多黎各拥有众多的瀑布,比如500英尺高的圣克里斯托瓦尔峡谷和萨尔托Doña胡安娜的三合一瀑布。El Yunque的La Coca和La Mina瀑布的名声意味着Juan Diego瀑布仍然是一个很大程度上未被发现的秘密:在La Coca稍远的地方有一条隐藏的小径,通向一条短小的涓涓细流,水溅到一个凉爽的池塘里,远离窥探的眼睛。西部的Gozalandia瀑布圣塞巴斯蒂安可能会吸引很多人,但在瀑布般的天鹅绒般的水流下,只能容纳两个人。为了增加隐私,可以在水下游到一个几乎难以察觉的壁龛里。
