London’s exclusive neighborhoods. Opened in 1851, it was converted from 13 Georgian townhouses dating back to 1731 and is today one of London’s oldest established hotels. Set on a quiet street in walking distance to Green Park, Buckingham Palace, and Bond Street, Flemings Mayfair has been privately owned by the same family for more than 40 years.

Enhancing the historic property with contemporary touches, Fleming Mayfair completed a £14 million renovation in 2016 which included a new dining experience with Executive Chef, Michelin-starred Shaun Rankin.

A décor featuring shades of bronze and soft greys mixing with teal, indigo, and mustard, creates a sleek but soothing retreat reminiscent of the 1930s within the Flemings Mayfair’s 129 guest rooms, suites and apartments. The one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments, as well as a seven-bedroom Townhouse private residence, are individually decorated and boast fully-equipped kitchens and separate living and dining rooms."> 评论弗莱明梅菲尔酒店|伦敦,英国-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载


英国伦敦梅菲尔区半月街7-12号,W1J 7BH

历史悠久的弗莱明梅菲尔酒店,套房和公寓是一个精品物业,提供一个家远离家的感觉在一个伦敦曼哈顿的高档社区。酒店于1851年开业,由13座建于1731年的格鲁吉亚联排别墅改建而成,是伦敦最古老的酒店之一。Flemings Mayfair位于一条安静的街道上,步行即可到达绿色公园、白金汉宫和邦德街,40多年来一直由同一家族私人拥有。

Fleming Mayfair酒店于2016年完成了耗资1400万英镑的翻新工程,以当代风格增强了历史建筑的魅力,其中包括与米其林星级行政总厨Shaun Rankin的全新用餐体验。




