Canada, Evil Dave’s Grill may have since changed ownership, but the menu remains prime-time ready. Try the Cowboy Sushi, the Luscious Lollipop Shrimp, or the Malevolent Meatloaf (best name ever), which is made with 100 percent lean ground bison and wild-boar bacon. Dinner dishes range in price from $23 to $40, and they offer more quality and creativity than most other comparably priced restaurants in town. Pair your meal with a cocktail from the elixirs menu—popular ones include the Karma Police, made from Malibu Mango rum, Hpnotiq liqueur, a mandarin wedge, and ginger ale."> 邪恶的戴夫的烧烤-远处 - 188app官网下载



最初于2006年由主厨大卫·胡塞罗开业,他以在切碎加拿大在美国,Evil Dave’s Grill虽然已经更换了所有权,但菜单仍然是黄金时段的。试试牛仔寿司,美味的棒棒虾,或者恶毒的肉卷(有史以来最好的名字),它是用百分之百的瘦肉和野猪培根制成的。晚餐菜品的价格从23美元到40美元不等,与城里大多数价格相当的餐厅相比,他们提供了更多的质量和创意。配上一份“长生不老”菜单上的鸡尾酒——流行的包括“Karma Police”,由马里布芒果朗姆酒、Hpnotiq利口酒、柑橘楔形酒和姜汁汽水调制而成。
