
美国AZ 85646 Tubac front路I-19号2221号

图森有很多墨西哥餐馆。但还是值得向南驱车一小时到图bac小镇的Elvira餐厅吃顿饭。一进入这个很酷的空间,你就不会惊讶地发现厨师/老板在上烹饪学校之前获得了设计和图形艺术学位。这家餐厅自1927年起由家族经营,以鲁本·蒙罗伊祖母的名字命名。Elvira 's最初位于墨西哥的诺加利斯,几年前搬到了图巴克……一边看菜单,一边来一杯欢迎的“龙舌兰酒”(只要50美分!)我点了pipián rojo mole——用南瓜子磨碎的酱汁浇上鲜嫩的鸡肉;我妻子尝试了当天的清淡午餐特色菜——蘑菇玉米卷饼配番茄辣酱,为外地家庭准备了“弗里达·卡罗”(Frida Kahlo)南瓜花馅波布拉诺辣椒。绿辣酱牛肉舌和其他鼹鼠将不得不等待回访。天花板上悬挂着各式各样的灯笼、吹制玻璃的泪滴、飞翔的小天使——带有超现实色彩的墨西哥民间艺术。 Your eyes will not be bored. More importantly, neither will your taste buds... (Tubac, incidentally, was the starting point of the 18th-c. expedition that led to the founding of San Francisco, Santa Clara, & San José, CA. Not much of the original Spanish presidio remains, but for the past few decades, “where art and history meets” has become the slogan of this ‘artists’ colony’ in the high desert.)



图森有很多墨西哥餐馆。但还是值得向南驱车一小时到图bac小镇的Elvira餐厅吃顿饭。一进入这个很酷的空间,你就不会惊讶地发现厨师/老板在上烹饪学校之前获得了设计和图形艺术学位。这家餐厅自1927年起由家族经营,以鲁本·蒙罗伊祖母的名字命名。Elvira 's最初位于墨西哥的诺加利斯,几年前搬到了图巴克……一边看菜单,一边来一杯欢迎的“龙舌兰酒”(只要50美分!)我点了pipián rojo mole——用南瓜子磨碎的酱汁浇上鲜嫩的鸡肉;我妻子尝试了当天的清淡午餐特色菜——蘑菇玉米卷饼配番茄辣酱,为外地家庭准备了“弗里达·卡罗”(Frida Kahlo)南瓜花馅波布拉诺辣椒。绿辣酱牛肉舌和其他鼹鼠将不得不等待回访。天花板上悬挂着各式各样的灯笼、吹制玻璃的泪滴、飞翔的小天使——带有超现实色彩的墨西哥民间艺术。 Your eyes will not be bored. More importantly, neither will your taste buds... (Tubac, incidentally, was the starting point of the 18th-c. expedition that led to the founding of San Francisco, Santa Clara, & San José, CA. Not much of the original Spanish presidio remains, but for the past few decades, “where art and history meets” has become the slogan of this ‘artists’ colony’ in the high desert.)
