El Cosmico puts on an exuberant 3-day celebration of music, love, freedom, and everything else kick-ass West Texas. Bring your own tent, rent one of El Cosmico's safari tents, book a yurt, or go extra glam with one of their decked out vintage trailers (those get booked early!). Trans-Pecos is relaxed, intimate, and hilarious. Being part of it makes for an unforgettable weekend in the Chihuahuan Desert, under those vast Texan skies. Last year only a little more than 1000 tickets were sold, and organizers plan to keep the event at about that size, as that's a big part of what makes it is so special. There's going to be a great line-up of music, off-beat workshops, vendors who'll make you want to revisit your entire wardrobe, and, one of my favorites, the sandlot baseball game that is less about the actual game played, and more about the riotous half-time show, and of course the spectator outfits. Prices: 3 days music only: $200 3 days music + camping: $250 - tickets are per camper, not per tent 1 day music only: $75 - available only at the gate day-of-show"> 跨佩科斯音乐节音乐+爱|马尔法,德克萨斯州,美国| AFAR - AFAR - 188app官网下载



每年九月,El Cosmico为期3天的音乐、爱、自由庆祝活动,以及西德克萨斯的一切。带上你自己的帐篷,租一个El Cosmico的狩猎帐篷,预订一个蒙古包,或者去一个他们装饰的复古房车(这些都是提前预订的!)《跨佩科斯》轻松、亲密、搞笑。作为它的一部分,在奇瓦瓦沙漠,在广阔的德克萨斯天空下度过一个难忘的周末。去年只售出了1000多张门票,组织者计划将活动规模保持在这个水平,因为这是它如此特别的一个重要原因。届时将会有一系列精彩的音乐、不受欢迎的工作坊、让你想重新审视你整个衣柜的摊贩,还有我最喜欢的一款沙地棒球游戏,它与真正的比赛无关,更多的是狂欢的中场表演,当然还有观众的服装。价格:仅限3天音乐:200美元3天音乐+露营:250美元-门票是每个露营者,而不是每个帐篷1天音乐:75美元-仅在演出当天的门口提供
