Vancouver to try a Vancouver cocktail, it’s the perfect pre-dinner sharpener, although it works rather well as an after-dinner treat too. It’s said to have been created at the Sylvia Hotel down on English Bay in the 1950s and its fans included Errol Flynn. It’s a riff on the Martinez, made of gin, Benedictine, sweet Vermouth and orange bitters. Although the Sylvia is, of course, the most authentic place to try it, I have to recommend you make for the all-weather patio at Cin Cin to sip bartender David Wolowidnyk’s version which is smooth, delicious, and really far too good to just have one... "> 回顾CinCin Ristorante + Bar |加拿大温哥华-阿法尔 - 188app官网下载


加拿大温哥华罗布森街1154号,卑诗省V6E 1B2

没有比这更好的地方了温哥华如果你想尝尝温哥华鸡尾酒,它是餐前磨刀的最佳选择,当然也可以在餐后享用。据说它是20世纪50年代在英吉利湾的西尔维亚酒店创作的,它的粉丝包括埃罗尔·弗林。这是马丁内斯酒的翻版,由杜松子酒、本尼迪克特酒、甜苦艾酒和橙苦酒调制而成。虽然西尔维亚当然是最正宗的地方,但我不得不建议你去Cin Cin的全天候露台上喝一杯调酒师David Wolowidnyk的版本,它光滑、美味,真的太好了,不能只喝一杯……



没有比这更好的地方了温哥华如果你想尝尝温哥华鸡尾酒,它是餐前磨刀的最佳选择,当然也可以在餐后享用。据说它是20世纪50年代在英吉利湾的西尔维亚酒店创作的,它的粉丝包括埃罗尔·弗林。这是马丁内斯酒的翻版,由杜松子酒、本尼迪克特酒、甜苦艾酒和橙苦酒调制而成。虽然西尔维亚当然是最正宗的地方,但我不得不建议你去Cin Cin的全天候露台上喝一杯调酒师David Wolowidnyk的版本,它光滑、美味,真的太好了,不能只喝一杯……
