马洛卡(“my-your-cuh”)是波多黎各标志性的三明治,通常是早餐时吃的,配上一杯咖啡。当我在圣胡安老城的时候,我在马略卡自助餐厅吃的比我应得的要多。马略卡三明治是一种柔软的黄油面包,经典的做法是把它切成两半,两面都涂上大量的黄油,然后把三明治压在平底锅的热钢板之间。食用前,撒上大量的糖粉。哦,好吃!黄油加糖怎么能出错呢?我吃了一口就被吸引住了,在你知道之前,我又点了一个,但这次-火腿奶酪....火腿和奶酪。它还撒了大量的糖粉。火腿,奶酪,糖。我知道,这听起来像是一个奇怪的组合,但在你尝试之前不要批评它,因为它很好,太好了,它会让人上瘾! The bread was slightly crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. The mallorca was warm, buttery, sweet and savory, every bite made my tastebuds sing with joy! If you decide that mallorcas are not your cup of tea, the menu also offers up eggs, pancakes and cereal along with coffee, tea and juices. Conveniently located in the heart of Old San Juan, Cafeteria Mallorca is a homey and unpretentious place that’s a throwback to the simple cafeterias of days gone by. Great place to bring the kids!



马洛卡(“my-your-cuh”)是波多黎各标志性的三明治,通常是早餐时吃的,配上一杯咖啡。当我在圣胡安老城的时候,我在马略卡自助餐厅吃的比我应得的要多。马略卡三明治是一种柔软的黄油面包,经典的做法是把它切成两半,两面都涂上大量的黄油,然后把三明治压在平底锅的热钢板之间。食用前,撒上大量的糖粉。哦,好吃!黄油加糖怎么能出错呢?我吃了一口就被吸引住了,在你知道之前,我又点了一个,但这次-火腿奶酪....火腿和奶酪。它还撒了大量的糖粉。火腿,奶酪,糖。我知道,这听起来像是一个奇怪的组合,但在你尝试之前不要批评它,因为它很好,太好了,它会让人上瘾! The bread was slightly crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. The mallorca was warm, buttery, sweet and savory, every bite made my tastebuds sing with joy! If you decide that mallorcas are not your cup of tea, the menu also offers up eggs, pancakes and cereal along with coffee, tea and juices. Conveniently located in the heart of Old San Juan, Cafeteria Mallorca is a homey and unpretentious place that’s a throwback to the simple cafeterias of days gone by. Great place to bring the kids!

