

很高兴知道我不需要坐飞机回印度就能在PDX享受一盘像样的dal。宝莱坞是印度“人民的食物”,简单、新鲜、令人愉悦。大多数美国人认为印度食物都是印度烤鸡和咖喱。事实上,这些食物只在印度次大陆的高档餐厅或婚礼上供应。春天,我在阿萨姆省的一家街头咖啡馆里,吃着摆在我面前的香蕉叶上的任何东西;没有餐具,没有问题。除了温热的啤酒,在印度吃东西和在这里吃印度菜完全不同,直到宝莱坞。实体工厂没有任何自命不凡之处。在混乱的装饰中,厨房的香味充满了这个地方,使它更加温馨和诱人。有很多素食选择,重点是备用豆子和土豆。 The spicing is classic. The plates and cups are metal, much like you’d find on a corner eatery in Kolkata. Order at the counter and have a seat. Get a paneer, a chaat and a dal with a side of paratha to soak up the sauces. They have a short selection of beer and wine and the former is cold and cheap. There are always specials and you should just order them. The plates are small, so if you have a big group, order a bunch. Then sit back and enjoy the ride...



很高兴知道我不需要坐飞机回印度就能在PDX享受一盘像样的dal。宝莱坞是印度“人民的食物”,简单、新鲜、令人愉悦。大多数美国人认为印度食物都是印度烤鸡和咖喱。事实上,这些食物只在印度次大陆的高档餐厅或婚礼上供应。春天,我在阿萨姆省的一家街头咖啡馆里,吃着摆在我面前的香蕉叶上的任何东西;没有餐具,没有问题。除了温热的啤酒,在印度吃东西和在这里吃印度菜完全不同,直到宝莱坞。实体工厂没有任何自命不凡之处。在混乱的装饰中,厨房的香味充满了这个地方,使它更加温馨和诱人。有很多素食选择,重点是备用豆子和土豆。 The spicing is classic. The plates and cups are metal, much like you’d find on a corner eatery in Kolkata. Order at the counter and have a seat. Get a paneer, a chaat and a dal with a side of paratha to soak up the sauces. They have a short selection of beer and wine and the former is cold and cheap. There are always specials and you should just order them. The plates are small, so if you have a big group, order a bunch. Then sit back and enjoy the ride...


