

塞米诺尔印第安人在比莉沼泽野生动物园拥有2200英亩的土地,大柏树塞米诺尔印第安人保留区在佛罗里达州的克莱维斯顿。保留区在詹森海滩的西南方向,大约需要2个半小时。塞米诺尔部落经营着这个野生动物园,那里有许多景点可供游客参观。比利沼泽野生动物园是南佛罗里达的一大景点。你可以乘坐汽船穿越沼泽,看到短吻鳄、苍鹭、白鹭、海龟和其他野生动物。沼泽小车生态之旅穿过湿地和灌木丛,那里有野猪、浣熊、鸵鸟、野火鸡、水牛和其他野生动物。你可以走在自然小径上,看到更多的保留区和佛罗里达大沼泽地的树叶。参观鳄鱼坑,观看表演,不要错过蛇和爬行动物的示范。你可以在塞米诺尔鸡宿的乡村鸡宿过夜。房间里没有电和自来水,但有淋浴和浴室设施。 Dine on Indian treats (alligator bits, frog legs) or burgers or hot dogs at the Swamp Water Cafe. Enjoy the Butterfly Garden. Watch the Seminole ladies sew traditional Seminole garments on their Singer sewing machines. Stop in at the gift shop and buy a souvenir or two. I enjoyed the Safari and felt it was well-run and informative. All I ever hear about this attraction is positive. I’ll visit again. Try to get there. It’s a fun trip! Info and Coupons: www.billieswamp.com



塞米诺尔印第安人在比莉沼泽野生动物园拥有2200英亩的土地,大柏树塞米诺尔印第安人保留区在佛罗里达州的克莱维斯顿。保留区在詹森海滩的西南方向,大约需要2个半小时。塞米诺尔部落经营着这个野生动物园,那里有许多景点可供游客参观。比利沼泽野生动物园是南佛罗里达的一大景点。你可以乘坐汽船穿越沼泽,看到短吻鳄、苍鹭、白鹭、海龟和其他野生动物。沼泽小车生态之旅穿过湿地和灌木丛,那里有野猪、浣熊、鸵鸟、野火鸡、水牛和其他野生动物。你可以走在自然小径上,看到更多的保留区和佛罗里达大沼泽地的树叶。参观鳄鱼坑,观看表演,不要错过蛇和爬行动物的示范。你可以在塞米诺尔鸡宿的乡村鸡宿过夜。房间里没有电和自来水,但有淋浴和浴室设施。 Dine on Indian treats (alligator bits, frog legs) or burgers or hot dogs at the Swamp Water Cafe. Enjoy the Butterfly Garden. Watch the Seminole ladies sew traditional Seminole garments on their Singer sewing machines. Stop in at the gift shop and buy a souvenir or two. I enjoyed the Safari and felt it was well-run and informative. All I ever hear about this attraction is positive. I’ll visit again. Try to get there. It’s a fun trip! Info and Coupons: www.billieswamp.com
