Mexico City, which has dozens of market stalls, shops, and boutiques dedicated to goods made just for them. One of the best is Arroz con Leche, whose clothing is inspired by but not confined to traditional Mexican textiles. Expect whimsical embroidered touches and colorful designs, which will make unique souvenirs for the little ones in your life. "> 回顾Arroz con Leche |墨西哥城,墨西哥- AFAR - 188app官网下载

Arroz con Leche

米格尔·伊达尔戈,Polanco, Polanco III Secc, 11510 Ciudad de México, CDMX,墨西哥

孩子们不会被排除在购物的乐趣之外墨西哥城这里有几十个市场摊位、商店和精品店,专门出售专为他们设计的商品。其中最好的是Arroz con Leche,其服装的灵感来自但不限于传统的墨西哥纺织品。期待异想天开的刺绣和丰富多彩的设计,这将成为你生活中孩子们独特的纪念品。
