Salt Lake City, Antelope Island, in the Great Salt Lake itself, offers an alternative outdoor adventure, from the steep Wasatch Range that dominates the view to the east (and hoards most of SLC’s outdoor adventure seekers). Established as a state park in 1969, when the state purchased 2,000 acres on the north end of the island, the park now covers 28,000 acres—most of the island itself. There are more than 45 miles of hiking trails (no motorized vehicles allowed), and most of those are open to mountain biking and horseback riding, too. If you want to sleep out under the stars, there are four campgrounds with more than 50 sites to enjoy the wonders of a certified International Dark Sky Park."> 回顾羚羊岛州立公园|锡拉丘兹,犹他州- AFAR - 188app官网下载


在市中心西北40英里处盐湖城大盐湖内的羚羊岛提供了另一种户外冒险的选择,从陡峭的瓦萨奇山脉(Wasatch Range)俯瞰东部(SLC的大多数户外冒险者都聚集在那里)。1969年,州政府在该岛北端购买了2000英亩土地,作为国家公园建立,现在占地28000英亩——该岛本身的大部分。这里有超过45英里的徒步小径(不允许机动车辆通行),其中大多数小径也对山地自行车和骑马开放。如果你想睡在星空下,这里有4个露营地,超过50个地点,可以享受经过认证的国际黑暗天空公园的奇观。
