

当我走进巴塞罗那酒店的大门时,我首先注意到的是潺潺的流水声和肉桂的香味。我们立刻得到了轻声细语的工作人员的接待,他们给我们戴上了腕带——我们报名了磨砂和按摩服务,并指出了更衣室的位置。他们一尘不染,灯光明亮,配有吹风机、储物柜、白色毛巾布长袍、水鞋,甚至还有发带。楼下,穿制服的工作人员排队迎接我们,并带我们参观。高耸的砖石拱门照亮了清澈的海水——很难相信这里曾经是一个仓库。有热、冷、温、盐浴,还有一个喷射池和桑拿浴室。但水疗要等等了,是时候做磨砂和按摩了。一个服务员把我扶到桌子上,开始我的擦洗。当我放松地接受治疗时,很容易忘记时间。我快睡着了,有人轻轻地推了我一下,告诉我该按摩了。 The full-body massages are in a semi-private corner away from the main spa circuit. Any misgivings I have about the privacy of the space are soon forgotten--my muscles have never felt so loose. Post massage, we lounge on heated marble benches sipping Moroccan mint tea, and grapefruit water before starting the spa circuit. Later on, we’re still not ready to face the outside world, so we sit for a while with cava and fresh fruit skewers, savoring the calm. http://midwesternerabroad.com/hammam-spa-experience-barcelona/



当我走进巴塞罗那酒店的大门时,我首先注意到的是潺潺的流水声和肉桂的香味。我们立刻得到了轻声细语的工作人员的接待,他们给我们戴上了腕带——我们报名了磨砂和按摩服务,并指出了更衣室的位置。他们一尘不染,灯光明亮,配有吹风机、储物柜、白色毛巾布长袍、水鞋,甚至还有发带。楼下,穿制服的工作人员排队迎接我们,并带我们参观。高耸的砖石拱门照亮了清澈的海水——很难相信这里曾经是一个仓库。有热、冷、温、盐浴,还有一个喷射池和桑拿浴室。但水疗要等等了,是时候做磨砂和按摩了。一个服务员把我扶到桌子上,开始我的擦洗。当我放松地接受治疗时,很容易忘记时间。我快睡着了,有人轻轻地推了我一下,告诉我该按摩了。 The full-body massages are in a semi-private corner away from the main spa circuit. Any misgivings I have about the privacy of the space are soon forgotten--my muscles have never felt so loose. Post massage, we lounge on heated marble benches sipping Moroccan mint tea, and grapefruit water before starting the spa circuit. Later on, we’re still not ready to face the outside world, so we sit for a while with cava and fresh fruit skewers, savoring the calm. http://midwesternerabroad.com/hammam-spa-experience-barcelona/
